Forgiveness is Earned.

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A week of being home and I felt almost completely healed. Physically anyways. I refuse to go upstairs. Em needs to bring my clothes down to me when I want to wear something new. Greyson is over pretty well everyday but I don't mind. This house has become more theirs than mine anyways. So today I convinced Em to let me go for a walk on the beach. We argued for half an hour until Greyson told her to let me go. It was nice being able to get away for the first time since everything happened.

I clutched my phone in my left hand as Sergeant ran in and out of the water. I didn’t feel like a wild mustang I felt like a scared teenager. Dean hasn’t once tried to call me or anything since I’ve been rescued. I was about to give up, I didn’t blame him though. He probably found a nice girl where he was and was planning to stay with her while Greyson ran the ranch. I took a deep breath, ignoring the sharp pain my ribs gave me, and opened Deans contact. I stared at his number for what felt like hours I took a final breath and deleted his number. No more temptation, no more heartache. Just me looking after myself. I felt tears burn my eyes as I watched the sun start to set the sky blushing with pinks and purples. I smiled to myself as I wrapped my sweater tighter around my frame and walked back to my house with Sarge following close on my heels. I walked around to the front deck and sat on the wooden swing that was bolted to the roof. Sergeant jumped up and laid down beside me as we rocked back and forth. Life could be simple and easy. Just me and my dog but no matter how much I try I keep feeling the disappointment I felt when Dean wasn’t the one that saved me from Matt. He said he would protect me but yet when push came to shove he wasn’t there. I should have expected that though. I was damaged, worthless. At least to him and probably every other guy out there, but as long as I had Mr. Purple I would be okay. I laughed at that thought.

“Yeah, we’ll be okay.” I muttered to Sergeant just as someone cleared their throat behind us. I jumped and Sergeant lifted his head teeth fully bared.

“Can we talk.” The voice sent shivers down my spine.

“There’s nothing to talk about, Dean.” I kept my body turned towards the road. I didn’t trust myself to not break down.

“There is a lot to talk about Faye. You we’re napped and I wasn’t the one to save you. Bear was. I promised to  protect you and I failed. I hurt you, so I don’t blame you for hating me but I want a chance to explain myself.” I heard his footsteps walk around to the side of the swing Sergeant stopped bearing his teeth but he was still stiff. Ready and waiting to attack at the first sign of danger.

“I don’t want to talk to you Dean. I was taken over a month ago. I called you constantly and you never called me. Never picked up your phone. How did you think this would have gone? I’ve given up. I’m done.” I felt the tears fill up in my eyes but I refused to let them spill. I was done letting guys make me feel weak.

“I didn’t have a choice. I had to leave your father made me go. He made me get a new number and leave my phone at home. It wasn’t my fault.” Dean growled. That pissed me off I snapped my head to him.

“You could have said no. You could have picked me over the club, but you didn’t you're no better than any of the other guys I’ve ever known. You’re weak. You let my father control you, I could have been dead but you decided to leave me to go to god knows where.” I felt the water slip past my eye lids.

“You’re right. I let him control me, I let him pull me away from you. But it was only because I wasn’t helping anyone find you I was only in the way. I needed to know you were safe I needed you.” He said softly.

“You left me Dean. You didn’t care enough to stay. No one ever cares enough to stay. You’re no different.” I was fully crying now all the emotions from the past month came back in full.

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