Road Trip

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The next morning I woke up in Dean’s arms with Alex shaking me. When I opened my eyes I screamed and rolled off the couch. Dean jumped up and grabbed his gun.

“What the hell Alex!” I screamed covering my eyes. There standing in all his pride in only boxers with a morning stiffy. I heard Alex’s roaring laughter.

“Alex put some goddamned pants on.” Dean threw a pillow at him.

“Man I came down to find out if your gonna cook and drive me to school.”

“Yes Alex I’m gonna take you to school now for the love of hell go put pants on.” Alex laughed and walked away. When I heard his bedroom door close I lifted my head and looked at Dean I knew my cheeks were red. “Sorry bout’ that. He’s not use to having a woman in the house.” Dean scratched the back of his neck.  

“It’s okay. I’m not use to sharing my space with men either.” I muttered standing up stretching. My back was kinked up from sleeping on the tiny couch. I looked to see Dean grunt and wince when he stood up.

“I’m sorry.” I smile softly. When he winced again when he stretched out.

“For what?” He asked before kissing my head and walked to the kitchen.

“Staying last night, I should have called a cab.” I sighed and followed him into the kitchen where he stood frowning. “What?” I asked.

“Don’t apologize for staying the night. I wouldn’t have let you leave anyway.” He cracked eggs into a pan. I smiled at him and nodded before calling for Sargent to go to pee. I walked around the garden with Sargent and reflected on the past 48 hours. I got molested then I had my first orgasm then the guy that molested me got his balls cut off and was killed then I end up dating the guy that gave me an orgasm and killed my molester. Shit, my life is more fucked up than I thought. I sighed when my phone rang I looked at the ID before answering.

“Hey Em.” I said while watching Sargent run around the lawn.

“Faye, I’m in trouble.” I could hear the tears in her voice.

“What’s wrong Em?” I felt a cold rush through my veins

“Oh Faye, I’m pregnant.” I almost dropped the phone.

“Em, who’s the father?”

“His name is Danny, he’s married.” I sighed.

“Em.” I whispered knowing her parents would be pissed.

“I didn’t know he was, I met him at work and things happened and we slept together and now I’m pregnant and he’s trying to force me to get an abortion. But I can’t Faye I don’t know what to do. My parents kicked me out.” She cried. Without hesitation I called Sergeant back.

“Where are you Em?”

“At that motel by the school. What am I going to do?” Her voice shook with fear. I looked to see Dean looking at me from the window concerned.

“I’m coming to get you. I’ll look after you.” I told her after a bit i hung up telling her I could call when I was close. Sargent and I walked into the house he immediately went to the small bowl on the floor with eggs in it.

“Hey baby, you okay?” Dean asked when I came in. I shook my head to stunned to think.

“Em is pregnant.” I muttered.

“Is Em the one I seen on webcam?” Dean asked. I nodded my head.

“I’m going to pick her up and bring her home.” I said looking into his eyes.

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