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I woke up to Em shaking the hell out of me, Just like in college.

“No. Go away.” I groaned.

“Like hell, who’d you sneak off to talk to last night?” She asked now practically laying on top of me. I sat up knowing she wasn’t going to give up until I told her.

“Remember that biker from the webcam?” I asked her while trying to control my red mop of hair.

“The man I wished put this baby in my womb yes, continue.” She said and crossed her hands.

“Well-” I told her about Snake and my father and what Dean did to me after that the warf all of it by the time I was done we were both dressed and packing up our things.

“Wow. They really cut his balls off?” She asked her brown eyes huge. I nodded my head and pulled my tank top over my black lacey bra and made sure my worn jean shorts were rolled evenly on each side. Em was wearing a white halter top dress that ended around mid thigh. We carried all of her things to my car and I pulled out when I got a call that came through the bluetooth in my radio.

“Hello?” I asked after I pressed the button on my steering wheel.

“You didn’t call me again.” Dean’s voice growled through my speakers. Em’s eyes got huge and looked at me.

“I was going to call you when we stopped for food.” I explained smiling.

“That wasn’t the deal baby, you’re just asking to be punished with my bi-”

“Em can hear you, Reaper.” I cut him off quickly. I looked over at Em and she was fanning herself.

“No, please finish your sentence. It’s been a while.” Em said to him causing me to laugh and Dean to grunt.

“Make sure she eats and doesn’t drive when she’s tired.” Dean’s voice was stern, I rolled my eyes and Em laughed.

“I promise, sir.” Em mocked soon after he hung up muttering something about Alex falling down the stairs.

“Who’s Alex?” Em asked.

“Dean’s brother.” I replied after switching lanes.

“Oh, is he as hot as Dean?” She asked. I bursted out laughing.

“Only if you’re a cougar. He’s 17.” Em pouted. Slumping in her seat.

21 hours later and I pulled into my door yard.

“This is your house?” Em asked her eyes huge.

“This is our house.” I corrected her. She looked at me and smiled. I gave her an awkward side hug then we got out I went and unlocked the door and she grabbed a couple of her boxes I turned on a few lights and followed her and grabbed the rest of the stuff. She followed me up to the second largest room and I pushed the door open placing her things down. I told her I would let her get comfortable. I walked down stairs and locked my car doors and the front door grabbing my phone and calling Dean The phone rang and his answering machine picked up I frowned.

‘It’s Dean ‘The Reaper’ leave a message and if I think it’s important I’ll call ya back.’

“Hey Dean, I’m calling to check in. I’m home so I’ll come over tomorrow and pick up Sargent. Goodnight.” I said after the beep I hung up as I snapped the lights off as I walked into my room not bothering to take my clothes off I crawled under the cool blankets. Almost instantly falling asleep.

I woke up around noon the next day, I stretched then crawled out of bed and walked down stairs. When I heard two sets of voices frowning I walked to the back patio.

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