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****picture of the breath taking Sarge!**********

I woke up the next morning to find Dean gone and a note on my fridge saying lock-down was over but he would be home later. I rolled my eyes wondering why he was still going to stay at my place when lock-down was over. After making myself a coffee I decided to go outside to the backyard deck and call Em on Skype.

“FAYE!!!!” Was the first thing out of her mouth when the call connected. I grinned at my best friend. Her blonde hair was up in a messy bun and she was in what looks like a living room in very unattractive sweats and a black tank top.

“EM! I’ve missed you.” I grinned at her and closed my purple house coat over my white crop top and P.J pants I was wearing before the cool wind turned my nipples into ice cutters.

“I’ve missed you too. So how’s home life?” She asked as her cat Milo jumped in front of the webcam. I laughed as he started sniffing the computer screen.

“Hi Milo, I miss you too buddy.” I laughed as I gathered my deep red hair and moved it onto my left shoulder. “Home is good. I found a place to rent and I even got a job at the SPCA as the lead Vet.” I contemplated telling her about Matt since she went through everything with me but decided against worrying her anymore.

“Lucky, I’m still bunked up with my parents.” She sighed. “At least until I get approved for an apartment I’m looking at.” She fixed her shirt making me fiddle with mine. Em was beautiful she looked honestly like a beautiful model. She was so thin her hip bones showed but she had a C cup breast and a big ass. She always had men trying to get with her, even Matt tried while I was sitting right there. I didn’t reactant so I didn’t get in trouble.

“At least you have your job” I remarked she rolled her bright blue eyes. I sighed and looked over the computer that was sitting on my glass patio table at the view of the ocean.

“So tell me, is there any sexy man candy out there?” Em wiggled her perfectly shaped eyebrows seductively. My mind instantly went to Dean and Bear.

“Maybe a couple.” I giggled as I heard the rumble of a motorbike pass. I stiffened up hoping it wasn’t Dean yet as I was enjoying my talk with Em. When I heard the back door open I jumped and Em stopped talking about if I’d gotten laid yet.

“Faye. We need to talk.” Dean stood beside me with his arms crossed on his chest. I knew Em had seen his cut.

“Faye… You have a biker in your house.” Em whispered. I tried to hide my smirk at her wide eyes.

“Em this is Dean. He’s um kinda my roommate.” I muttered I watched Em’s mouth go slack and her eyes widen.  Dean frowned and bent over looking into the webcam at Em. Instantly she snapped her mouth shut and blushed profoundly.

“Damn. You didn’t tell me their was sexy guys in boston. That’s it Faye, I’m coming for a visit. Now tell me Dean, do you have a brother?” Em asked leaning closer to the camera.

“Yeah. Faye will call you back.” He mutters and ends the call but not before I see Em’s tongue roll out of her mouth. Our code when there is a man sexy enough to eat is around. I couldn’t help but giggle as Dean sat in the chair beside me.

“That was rude.” I frown at him.

“I really don’t give a fuck, princess. We need to talk.”  He grunted.

“About?” I pulled my knees up on the chair.

“The lockdown is over so I’m moving out. Only if you want me too.” He took out a pack of smokes and placed a white filtered one between his lips and lit it up. I wrinkled my nose glad he has enough respect not to smoke in my house.

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