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The sound of my phone ringing woke me, I looked up the clock... 4 am who the fuck calls at 4 am.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hello Faye? It’s Ann. I need you to come in for an emergency surgery. There was a dog hit by a car.”

“I’ll be right in.” I yawned and jumped up pulling on a pair of purple scrubs and my sneakers. I left a quick note on the fridge and ran out the door. When I got to the office I ran into the room like a bat outa hell. Laying on the surgery table was a large German Shepard. He was bleeding in his stomach and his leg looked broken. I scrubbed my hands up and started to stop the bleeding.

7 hours later and he was in recovery and I was sitting on the floor with blood surrounding me practically asleep. He needed a blood transfusion and I needed to stitch his stomach more. It was the hardest and longest surgery I had ever done but he made it. My phone rang,I almost didn’t answer it but it was Em.


“Hey, you okay?” Concern laced her voice.

“Mmhm.” I said fighting to keep my eyes open.

“Alright well are you coming home?”

“Yeah, I’m going to chug a large bucket of coffee then I’ll be home.” I muttered standing up and walking to my purse, not bothering to try and clean any of the blood off me, it was all dried anyways.

“Alright, I’ll see you soon.” She laughed. I hung the phone up and waved to Stacey telling her to call if she needs anything and went to my car.  I turned the music up loud and rolled all the windows down as I drove home trying to stay awake. I parked the car and practicaly fell out. I walked in and I heard a gasp and a growl. I looked to the kitchen to see Em with her hands over her mouth and Dean looking pissed.

“Morning guys.” I tried to smile.

“Did he make it?” Em’s eyes were huge and tear filled.

“Yeah, after a blood transfusion.” I nodded then looked at Dean wondering why he looked pissed.

“Why would you drive that tired. You could have gotten into an accident.” He growled. I rolled my eyes and Em giggled.

“I’m really good at staying awake Dean. Now if you will excuse me I need a shower and a nap.” I walked up the steps and into my ensuit.

After rubbing and scrubbing until the pink water ran clear I got out and wrapped my black fluffy house coat around my body and went to my bed instantly falling asleep.

I woke up when I heard the crack of a motorcycle groaning I crawled out of bed and slipped on my yoga pants and a sweater before walking down stairs. The front door opened just as I stepped off the last step. Slasher walked in slamming the door behind him.

“Um, Hi?” I said walking into the kitchen.

“Dean invited me over.” He said. He’s still here? I nodded and made a coffee when I felt arms snake around my waist I jummped.

“Sorry baby, didn’t mean to scare you.” Dean’s chest rumbled when he chuckled.

“It’s okay.” I wiggled out of his hold he looked at me in question. I shook my head and nodded to where Greyson was standing. That seamed to made Dean angry. He walked out the door but left it it open, I sighed and followed him with my coffee in my hand.

“Yes?” I asked as he paced the patio.

“What the hell?” He growled. “Why can’t I show my Old Lady any affection because Greyson is here?” I took a deep breath steadying my nerves.

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