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I woke up the next day with an empty bed… Well Sargeant was sleeping at my feet, but Dean was missing. Stretching out my sore muscles I stood up and grabbed my gym bag and slipped on the pajama shorts I brought and a white tank top. Finger combing my hair I walked out into the hallway just as Greyson came out of Em’s room in only his boxers.

“Oh god.” I yelled. I should have been used to seeing men half naked sneak out of Em’s room but usually I’m the one that kicked them out.

“Shit.” He hissed covering his crotch, evidence of a boner still stood alert. I covered my eyes and waited until I heard a door slam when I peeled my eyes open Em stood in the doorway of her room in only a long t-shirt that I had no doubt was Greyson’s. I lifted my eyebrows at her.

“We didn’t have sex.” She stated. I grinned at her flushed cheeks.

“Then why was he in your room?” I questioned crossing my arms in front of my chest.

“We- um- well it’s complicated…” She ran her hands through her hair. I laughed again.

“You got him all hot and bothered then turned him down?” I guessed and she nodded her head. She did this a lot when she was stressed, she thought she wanted it then decided not to in fear of acting to hastily.  I shook my head smiling softly at her. I walked down the stairs hoping to find Dean but when I didn’t I let Sargeant outside and he ran to the horse barn. I shook my head and ran after him but stopped in my tracks when I seen Dean and Alex throwing large bales of hay into the covered part by the barn.

Dean was shirtless with low hanging jeans that showed his V-line off very well. He was hearing gloves and sweat glistened on his abs in the morning sun. I felt my jaw go slack when his muscles tensed and untensed as he lifted the hay off the back of his truck. Like he felt my eyes he turned to me and smiled. He said something to Alex and walked over to me putting an extra sway to his old time biker swagger.

“Hey baby, sleep well?” He asked with a cocky smirk on his lips. I felt my cheeks redden and averted my eyes.

“Yes, did you?” I asked sneeking a glance up at him.

“I did.” He grinned before ducking his head and kissing me until we were both breathless. his gloved hands snaked around my hips pulling me closer into his wet chest. I giggled and pushed him away.

“So do tell me, why do you have so many horses?” I smiled while watching them gallop around the pasture.

“My great grand-dad built this house and ranch. He would train and sell the horses and take in rescues, when he died he passed it down to my grandfather and he did the same then when he died he gave the ranch to my Dad, Dad was following the tradition but when he died he didn’t have the chance to teach me how to train them. But I can’t get rid of them.” He said his eyes looked far away. I bit my lip debating if I wanted to say anything.

“Um Dean, I don’t want to overstep but I know how to train horses.” I looked up at his face turning to surprise.

“You do? I thought you were just a Vet?” He asked.

“I use to volunteer at a horse rescue. I was an assistant to the rehabilitation and training so they could be rehomed.” I explained glancing up at him.

“Damn, you really are the whole package.” He laughed. I smiled.

“And maybe if you could sell the horses you could quit the club.” I suggested quietly. His face turned from easy to stone.

“I’m the V.P of the club. I will be president when your father steps down. I’m not quitting the club, Faye. I thought you of all people would understand that.” His voice was dark again.

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