Chapter Three

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Your POV

I'm sitting at Starbucks, uploading my pictures from my camera to my laptop. I feel like I took some great pictures at the park. My phone vibrated on the table, meaning I got a text message. It's Y/BF/N.

From: Idiot 😜😜😜

Hey how is Cali treating ya? Plus I really miss u!!!

To: Idiot 😜😜😜

It's good. Yesterday I took some pictures at the park. I am having fun. Plus I like the idea of the school. It's just about photography and it's only two hours a day Monday- Friday. Plus I am getting paid for pictures that they like. So what are you doing, how's everything going in that little town?

From: Idiot 😜😜😜

Fantastic. I knew there was something special about u. Same as always, nothing special when you live in this tiny town. I can't wait till u visit.

To: Idiot 😜😜😜

Yeah, I miss u too. It's so weird from going to seeing u everyday to then not seeing u at all.

From: Idiot 😜😜😜

Well u are face-timing me later today, but for today I have to go to classes. So I'll tlk to u later.

To: Idiot 😜😜😜

K. Well I miss you and I'll get to see your ugly face later.

From: Idiot 😜😜😜

Offensive, geez bye

To: Idiot 😜😜😜

U love me, bye!!!

I chuckled to myself. We do that to each other all of the time. I love her to death, we have known each other since kindergarten. She has helped me through a lot of things. Without her I don't even think I would be here. I continued going through my pictures again. Someone, or shall I say two people sat down at the table I am sitting at.

"Hi." The small brunette giggled. Beside her was the tall blond girl from the park.

"Hi." God why am I such an awkward person. I feel like I just want to hide in my shell like a turtle.

"You're cute." The blond complimented. Looking me up and down. This is not the kind of attention that I am used to.

"Thanks." Both of them sat staring at me. As if they were reading everything about me. I feel very uncomfortable.

"You dating anyone?" The brunette asked me.

"No, but can you tell me your names? This is weird, I remember seeing you yesterday at the park, but I never really talked to you."

"Well if you must know, my name is Dinah, and this one is Camila."

"What are your intentions?"

"What we can't come here and talk to you. I mean you seem like a cool person." Dinah stated.

"I don't know. People just usually let me be and don't talk to me." She rested her hand on top of mine.

"We want to hang out. Come on, we have been here in California for a few years. We wouldn't mind showing you around." Camila implied.

"I guess so. I could use some new friends here." They both smiled and stood up.

"Let's roll." Dinah beamed.

Chapter 3! Enjoy! Comment and vote! Little bit longer of a chapter! You're going to hang out with Camila and Dinah!


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