Chapter Ninteen

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Ally's POV

Once Y/N left Lauren's happiness plummeted. She is just staring blankly at the TV.

"Isn't Y/BF/N the one from the video and picture, and from the phone call?" Dinah whispered.

"Yeah, I talked to Y/N about it this morning. Y/BF/N is Y/N's best friend. Y/N went to visit her for two weeks in Ohio. They went to a party, Y/BF/N was drunk, and was very sexual that night. Y/N told me that Y/BFN was trying to have sex with her."

"So they're not dating?" Camila questioned.

"No, just best friends, but Y/BF/N gives me this strange vibe that she likes Y/N."

"Y/N is Lauren's girl, she better back the hell up." Dinah stated. We all looked at her.

"What I ship them so what? It's obvious that they like each other." Dinah chuckled.

"Look Y/N is calling me." Camila informed. She answered it.

"Hey Y/N... You want us to come over?... Alright see you soon... Bye." Camila finished.

"We're going to Y/N's." Dinah stated.

"I'm gonna stay home." Lauren told us.

"No you're not get your ass up." Normani protested. She pulled Lauren off the couch.

"I don't want to go, and you're not making me." Lauren spat. We are all taken back by her actions.

"Why don't you want to go over there?"

"I just don't want to." She replied.

"Fine, stay here. She is just trying to be nice and invite us over to hang out with her and her best friend."

"Ok, well you guys go have fun. Don't even think about me, because I'll be fine here." She stomped her way upstairs.

"I think we should just call her and cancel." Normani sighed.

"No, just because Lauren doesn't want to go doesn't mean we can't go hang out with our friend. She's all our friend, so we have the right. Now let's go, Camila lead us there." We got to her place in a few minutes. I knocked on the door, and was met with a cheery Y/N.

"Hey guys come in." She opened the door more for us. We stood in her livingroom.

"Y/BF/N these are my friends, Ally, Camila, Dinah, Normani, and um where's Lauren?" She asked.

"She didn't feel like coming."

"Oh, um... Ok, yeah so this is my friend Y/BF/N."

"It is very nice to meet you all." Y/BF/N smiled. We got to know eachother more, and it was fun. A bunch of pictures were taken, but the weird thing was that Y/N wouldn't look at them with us.

"Don't worry about her. She's been like that for as long as I have known her. She doesn't think she's pretty or something." Y/BF/N stated. I guess she struggles with confidence and ego. Together the girls and I left and went back to our house.

"I'm going to go check on Lauren." I went up stairs to her room and she is asleep. She should have went with us, she would have had tons of fun. I shut her bedroom door and went back to the girls.

"What is she doing?" Camila asked.


"I guess we should all be doing that." Dinah yawned. We all nodded in agreement.

"See you in the morning girls." I heard good nights back. I settled in bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter 19! Enjoy! Comment and vote! 


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