Chapter Thirteen

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I accidentally unpublished the story 😑.

BTW I have a Lauren Jauregui Imagines book too! So check that out!

Few days later

Your POV

I have ignored all calls from Camila. Can't face what had happened. Sometimes I wonder why I don't have a lot of friends. I have a month off of school so I'm going to my home town. I miss Y/BF/N, so I'm going to see her. I flew all the way to Ohio. I got my suitcase and got into a taxi and went to her house. I want to surprise her. I stood at her front door, and called her.

"Hey Y/N"

"Knock Knock."

"I don't want to hear your stupid knock knock joke."

"You're going to listen, and you're going to like it."


"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"


"Me who?"


"Y/N that is about the stupidest joke I have ever heard."

"Knock knock." I said at the same time as knocking.

"You're creeping me out." I knocked on the door again. The door opened and she was mumbling under her breath,

"I swear Y/N this isn't funny." She looked up and dropped her phone, her mouth hung open.

"Catching flies?" She instantly cracked into a smile.

"Y/N! I have missed you so much!" She confessed. She pulled me into a hug.

"Missed you too."

"What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to come back home for a while."

"Well come on in." Her house is still the same. I seen her mother and father in the living room.

"Hey mom and dad." We are those kind of best friends.

"Y/N long time no see." Her father George said.

"Yeah, I decided to come here and stay for two weeks."

"I'm happy to see you hun." Her mom Annie said. I smiled at her.

"Ok, let's go upstairs Y/N." I took my suitcase up into her room. She smiled at me.

"You came at the right time. There's a party a few blocks away." Y/BF/N smirked. I rolled my eyes, all she wants to do is party.

"I'm gonna change, you can too if you want." I watched as she took a black dress out of her closet and laid it on her bed. She stripped her clothes off, and got into the dress.

"Let's go!" Y/BF/N squealed.

"Wait!" Y/BF/N yelled.

"Y/BF/N was that really necessary?" She smiled sheepishly.

"I want to take a selfie, because we are hot as fuck." She said.

"You know I hate my picture taken."

"Wow, you think I care? Plus you looking fine in your outfit. You're hot, I told you it was going to happen. Puberty hit you hard." She kissed my cheek and snapped a picture.

"This picture is gold." I rolled my eyes. We walked downstairs, getting ready to leave.

"Where do you two young ladies think you're going?" George questioned.

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