Chapter Five

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Your POV

Today was really fun. They are really weird but, I had a blast. I am scrolling through the TV channels, but there seems to be nothing on, as usual. My phone started to ring.

Face-time Call From: Idiot 😜😜😜

"Hey Y/BF/N"


"What's up?"

"Nothing much I just wanted to see your ugly face." I laughed in response. This is why we are best friends because we can joke with each other and know that we won't hurt the other.

"Wow thanks."

"How was your day?"

"It was fun. I made two new friends."

"Sounds cool, but they better not replace me!"

"They could never. You are my best friend, you have been with me through thick and thin, I would never want to replace you. There is no one else like you."

"True." She flipped her hair over her shoulder in a sassy manner.

"You got a boyfriend yet?"

"Shut up Y/N! Do you!!!"


"Exactly, now shut up!"

"Ok, is someone on their monthly?" I stifled my laugh as she glared at me.

"You're so lucky I can't slap the shit out of you." We both laughed.

"Yeah, like you would hit this beautiful face?"

"Oh no, I would make out with your face." We both laughed.

"Of course you would. I mean no one can resist this body." We started laughing again.

"Uh you crack me up. But I'll never forget that moment." Oh no not this!

"Shut up don't talk about it. I was desperate, and so were you!"

"Well I wouldn't want it to be anyone else, but you."

"Same." I knew she was thinking about it by the look on her face.


Y/BF/N and I were in 8th grade. We were having a small get together with some friends. Of course when you are at this age, everyone wants to know about your crushes, first kiss, and so on. I never dated anyone, no one has sparked my interest. So by that means I never had my first kiss. Y/BF/N didn't either. Our friends told us we had to have our first kiss in one week, or they would set us up. Which is never a good thing when your friends try to set you up with someone. After that night Y/BF/N and I had a sleepover.

"How and who am I going to get to kiss me. I mean how could they only give us one week. I have always imagined my first kiss with someone that I really like and it being perfect." Y/BF/N rambled.

"You think you have it bad, no one likes me. I'm ugly, at least you are pleasant to look at." She laughed at my statement.

"Come on you're not that bad. I think puberty is going to turn you into some hot stuff." She predicted.

"Whatever, dream on."

Time went on and both of us still had no one to kiss, and we had 24 hours left.

"You guys still haven't kissed someone. Well I hope you like our choices." Our friend Carrie laughed. I did not want to know who they wanted me to kiss. Knowing them it wouldn't be very good. That night Y/BF/N was over at my house.

"Looks like we are going to be kissing some weirdo nerds." Y/BF/N sighs. I look at her also feeling defeated.

"Let's go outside." I stood up and helped her up. In my backyard we had a huge tree. Ever since we were little we called it our friendship tree. I stood at the tree tracing over our carvings we have made through the years. I looked at her as she stood by my side. Then an idea popped into my head.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"She questioned.

"You and me, we can kiss each other! We don't have to kiss those nerdy guys!"

"Hold on, but we're not gay." Y/BF/N said.

"I know, but do you want to kiss some guy that you don't know?" I am really desperate at this moment.

"It can't be that bad, I mean we have known each other forever." She is really considering this.

"Alright what are you waiting for?" She said. I was nervous, I mean it's my first kiss, and it's with my best friend. Maybe I shouldn't be nervous, I don't know. My thoughts were interrupted when I was tugged by the front of my sweatshirt towards her. Our noses were touching and I could feel her breath on my lips. She closed her eyes, and I mirrored her actions. I leaned in and felt her lips on mine. She started to kiss me, so I recuperated. I pulled her closer to me by her hips. The kiss was getting more heated. My tongue was in her mouth, and we were battling. We pulled away and distanced ourselves from one another. I licked my swollen lips. The silence between us was really awkward.

"Guess we can go to bed now." We went in my room and faced away from each other as we slept. The next day we told our friends that we kissed a person. We didn't tell them that it was each other. Y/BF/N and I are really bad liars so they knew we weren't lying. I was happy we didn't have to tell them who it was.

End of flashback

"Yeah I don't think I would change it at all."


"I remember it like it was yesterday."

"I don't think I'll forget about that ever." I looked at the time.

"Late there ain't it?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna go, have an early class tomorrow."

"Alright, I'll text you or whatever later."

"Bye, love you and miss you."

"Love you and miss you too. Night." We hung up, and it is 11:30. I am in the bathroom brushing my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror. I hate looking at myself. I am going to be forever alone.

Chapter Five! Enjoy! Comment and vote! How did you think about that story with your best friend?!


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