Chapter Twenty

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Your POV

"Man I wish you would have met Lauren." Y/BF/N looked at me and smiled.

"Does someone have a crush?" She teased.

"Yes I do."

"Must be pretty serious. You have never liked anyone in your life." Y/BF/N laughed.

"I'm not you, I don't just look at someone and think 'oh my god that guy is so hot, I have a huge crush on him'."

"I do not sound like that." She slapped my arm.

"The hell you don't? I have been with you all my life. Now that I think about it, walking around in the school hallways was torturous. Everyday was the same, 'Y/N look at that guy, oh my god look at that one. Aren't they so fuckin hot'." She punched my arm this time.

"I'm going to kick your ass."

"Are you sure?" I taunted. She jumped on top of me and pinned my hands above my head.

"Congrats, would you like a medal or a trophy sweetheart?" She looked down at me and bit her lip.

"I could think of something else instead." She smirked. The smile on my face disappeared. Ally was right, or maybe she's just drunk again? I didn't see her drink anything. I flipped her over.

"I like this." She purred.

"What is up with you? You... Do... You, um... Do you like me?" Her smile disappeared.

"You know what I think it's time for bed." She stated as she pushed me off of her. I pulled her back by her arm.

"Y/BF/N we are best friends. You can tell me anything."

"I don't Y/N. I'm straight." She protested.

"By what just happened you're not. Just how you're acting is telling me another story."

"Maybe just a little."

"Was it that hard to say? And for how long?"

"When you visited. Plus that night I do remember everything, I was just so embarrassed about it." She confessed.

"Ok, see nothing bad happened." She nodded her head.

"I guess not, so this isn't weird?" She asked.

"No. You'll move on. I know you don't like me that much were you are obsessed with me or whatever."

"True. Now I'm serious I'm ready for bed, you guys here are three hours behind. So I'm beat."

"Alright let's go to bed."

Chapter 20! Enjoy! Comment and vote! 🤔🤔🤔


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