Chapter Fourteen

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Camila's POV

I have tried calling Y/N all night, and not one answer.

"Mila try her again." Dinah said. I once again dialed her number and to my surprise she answered. I put her on speaker phone.

"Y/N!" But we didn't get any responses, we heard noises though.

"Is that moaning?" Normani questioned. It did sound like that. What the hell?

"Ah fuck Y/N." We heard. I ended the call and dropped my phone.

"Did I hear correctly?" Ally wondered. We all nodded our heads. I can't believe it.

"Guys look at what I just found on Instagram." Lauren stated as she walked down the stairs.

"It's Y/N and some girl named Y/BF/N." She showed us having Y/N and the girl kissing her cheek.

"Plus look at this." It was a dark video but you can see them, the girl is grinding on Y/N, then they start making out, the video ends with guys cheering.

"Oh boy." Lauren sat on the couch with all of us.

"You know I really like her. To see this is sickening."

"Should we tell her about the phone call?" Dinah whispered. I shook my head. This isn't going to end well, and I don't want to make Lauren more upset.

"We know Lauren. We're here for you." Ally assured her. We all had a big group hug.

"Thanks guys, I love you so much."

"We love you too." We responded.

"How about we get a whole bunch of junk food and binge on TV shows?" Normani insisted. Lauren smiled.

"Sounds great." Lauren chuckled.

Chapter 14! Enjoy! Comment and vote! Oh boy!


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