Chapter Twenty-Two

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Your POV

Lauren fell asleep, and she looks adorable. I block out everyone else as I look at the sleeping girl in my arms.

"Hey Y/LN!" I heard Dinah.


"Just ask her out already, she likes you, you like her." Dinah told me.

"She likes me?"

"She was jealous as hell when I asked for your sweatshirt." Y/BF/N laughed. I looked back down at Lauren.

"I'll ask her out on a date tomorrow." They all silently cheered.

"About damn time." Dinah chuckled.

"She's all grown up." Y/BF/N gushed.

"This is the first time I have ever felt this way for another person. It makes me feel really happy." The girls aww'd at my statement.

"I was a little worried about her. I thought she was going to be living by herself with an abnormal amount of animals." Y/BF/N giggled.

"Oh shut up." I shifted a bit because the position was getting a little uncomfortable. She gripped on me a little tighter.

"Take her to bed." Ally said. I stood up and carried her to her room. I laid her on her bed softly, but I couldn't get her to let go of me.

"Stay with me." She whispered.

"I'm talking with the girls outside."

"Please." She pouted. I took my phone out of my pocket and texted Camila I wasn't going back outside. I got under the covers with Lauren and wrapped my arms around her.

"Be careful, I have cramps." She said. I loosened my grip on her and softly massaged her stomach.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I don't know how you aren't in a relationship. You do the sweetest little things." Lauren wondered.

"I have an eye for someone."

"You should really tell them."



"I like you." I guess she was in shock. I couldn't see her face because it was dark in her room.

"Lauren?" I turned on her side table lamp. I looked at her.

"Really?" She asked. I pressed my lips to hers, kissing her softly. I pulled away, and looked into her eyes.

"I really like you."

"I really like you too." She smiled.

"Can I take you out on a date?"

"Yes." She pressed her lips to mine.

"Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight Lauren."

Chapter 22! Enjoy! Comment and vote! Say what???! 😲


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