Chapter Twenty-Five

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Lauren's POV

The girls are all chowing down on the pizza.

"How was the date? What did you guys do?" Normani questioned.

"We just watched a movie at her house and ate pizza. I enjoyed it."

"When are you going to tell her you're famous Laur? That we are all famous." Ally wondered.

"I don't know. Part of me doesn't want me to tell her because I'm afraid that she'll only be in the relationship for money or whatever. I just like how everything is now, I feel like a normal girl having her own normal relationship."

"You have to tell her. She will know sooner or later. We are everywhere; TV, magazines, social media, I don't know how she has never heard of us or Y/BF/N." Camila stated.

"She obviously doesn't know a lot of things like 'Netflix and Chill'."

"Lauren all I am saying is you have to tell her before she finds out. Who knows what she is going to do when she finds out from someone other than you." Ally said.

"I know. It makes me feel bad keeping this from her. Plus I am worried about even going in public with her. I haven't seen a lot of paps, but if it's about a relationship they are on it like wildfire."

"Y/N is a great girl, I don't think she would go crazy or whatever. I think she likes you for you. I know that's something you want in a person." Dinah put in.

"Yeah. She's perfect. Something about her just pulls me to her."

"Did you all know she can sing, and play guitar?" Camila asked.

"What?!" Us four said at the same time.

"Yeah. She's really good. She's taught me a few songs on the guitar."

"When were you planning on telling us?"

"I don't know. I just thought of it." Camila shrugged.

"She can sing, and play guitar. We are having another BBQ and I have to see this with my own eyes." Dinah declared.

"She said we should do something tomorrow, we can just do that."

"Perfect." Dinah smirked.

"What do you guys think about her?"

"I think she is very sweet. Easy to talk to." Ally smiled.

"She is the coolest. I thought you hit your head or something when she told us you said no when she asked you out on a date. I would have took her." Normani commented. I rolled my eyes.


"She's cool, she's my best friend other than you guys." I smiled and was happy that all of them like her.

"What do you think about her Lauren?" Camila asked.

"I think she's the best ever, you guys are the best too, so no hurt feelings. I think she just has something that no one else has. She is gentle, unlike some of the boys I have gone out with. She never tried to make a move on me today, nothing, not even a kiss. Boys try to get in my pants on the first date. I don't know, I don't even care that she is a girl. That's how much I like her. You fall in love with who you fall in love with."

"Are you in love with her Lauren?" Ally questioned. I looked down at my hands.

"I think I am." The girls shrieked in excitement.

"This is the happiest you have ever been when you were with someone." Normani smiled.

"I feel like she has changed me a bit, changed me for the better. She's the person I have always dreamed of." The girls all have smiles on their faces.

"I think I'ma cry, hold me Mani." Dinah whined.

"Get the hell off of me." Normani sassed.

"Walz." Camila held Dinah.

"I'm friends with a bunch of weirdos, but I love them." I went to my room, and debated in weather or not to call Y/N. I looked at her contact name in my phone. I'm just gonna go for it.

Calling: Y/LN 💕💕💕


"Hi Y/N."

"Hey Lauren. What's up?"

"Nothing much, I just thought I would call you."

"Cool. So have you planned anything to do tomorrow. Y/BF/N told me she's leaving tomorrow, she has a flight to catch at 1:00 in the morning."

"Yeah, how about you guys come over and we'll do another little cook out hang out kind of thing again."

"Sounds fun. You can tell Ally that I'll pay and bring the food over."

"Ally will still cook food anyway. She loves to cook. Especially baking."

"That gives me an idea."

"An idea?"

"You guys have been really generous to me and Y/BF/N. So I have to buy you all presents."

"Don't do that Y/N, we all enjoy having you over."

"What does Normani like?" I guess she isn't going to listen to me.

"She likes clothes, bracelets stuff like that."


"Snapbacks and Beyoncé."

"Ok thanks."

"What about Camila?"

"I'm pretty sure I know what to get for Camila."


"I would love to talk to you longer, but my phone is about to die, and I'm ready for bed. Not trying to be rude or anything."

"It's alright. I'm tired myself."

"Is there a certain time you want us there?"

"Just come around 1:00."

"Alright. Night Lauren, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night Y/N." I hung up, and rolled over in my bed. I'm falling in love with her, I'm falling in love with Y/N Y/LN.

Chapter 25! Enjoy! Comment and vote! Lauren's falling in love!


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