Heard That - Liam

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You had only been at Beacon Hills high school for about a week now, as you had recently moved to town with your family due to word getting out about your family secret, deeming it unsafe. It was an accident, really. Your brother, who is a werewolf, thought he was alone when he transformed. He had been in an empty area in the woods, and hadn't done it because of the full moon, or because he was going to randomly go on a killing spree. Sometimes it just felt good to let your claws grow and your eyes glow. But, much to his dismay, he thought wrong, and there were a few teenagers hanging out in the area and had heard a few of his growls. They decided to check it out, and found your brother. They wasted no time reporting it and causing a full blown investigation, and although there were quite a few skeptics, there were quite a few believers, too.

Over time, your family had been stalked, harassed, and nearly assaulted. Your father had put so many restraining orders on people that he became fed up and extremely worried, knowing well that if the word got out to hunters, your family would no longer be. So he ordered the family to pack up and you had no choice but to call Beacon Hills your new home.

Since you were new, you didn't really have friends. So you found yourself walking the halls of Beacon Hills high school alone during your lunch period. Of course you knew people, seeing as you had been placed in groups in your classes, but no one had really bothered to acknowledge you when it came to things other than academics. You didn't really mind, though. It was a nice school and you enjoyed looking around as you wandered aimlessly through the silent halls.

But you stopped in your tracks when you picked up a voice in the hall near the one you were in. The voice was familiar, and you grew interested when you heard your name being mentioned. You took a few steps near the corner, listening in to the conversation. After a few more words, you immediately knew who was speaking.

"The new girl?" You recognized Mason's voice. He sat next to you in your physics class, always tapping his pencil and anxiously watching the clock. "(Y/N)?"

"Yeah, her." That was Liam. You sat in front of him in your history class. He was pretty cute, but you had never really talked to him. The only interaction was a few days ago when he stepped on your foot, and that wasn't exactly a good moment for you, seeing as it hurt. Really bad. Of course, he apologized, but ever since he avoided eye contact. Probably from embarrassment, you guessed. "She's hot. Like, really hot."

Your eyebrows raised. Now you were really interested.

You heard Mason laugh. "Whatever you say, man."

"You don't think so?"

"If we're being honest here, I prefer her brother," Mason admitted. "Now, he's hot."

You found yourself gagging at the comment, but tried to stay quiet. How embarrassing would it be if they found you listening in on their conversation?

"Why don't you ask her out?" Mason suggested, Liam then let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Me? Ask her out?" He laughed again. "Ha! No. Not happening."

"Why not?"

"Like I said before, she's really hot," Liam reminded his friend. "We've talked like once, and that was because I stepped on her foot. The only time we've talked was because I almost broke her toe!" He sighed. "I've got no shot, man."

"You don't know that," Mason said. "She seems pretty nice. I sit next to her in pyshics. I have her in math, too."

You didn't hear anything else because the bell rang, signalling that lunch was over and it was time to head to class. You decided to turn the corner and go down the hall Liam and Mason were in. Liam looked up and his eyes widened slightly when he took notice of you. You sent him a dazzling smile and a slight wave. You could hear his heartbeat thumping in his chest and that only made you want to chuckle, but you contained it, not wanting to give anything away.

As you were walking away, the hall only had a few other students in it for some reason you weren't sure of, but you definitely heard Liam as he began to cheer. He probably assumed you were too far for you to hear, but boy, was he wrong. "Dude! Did you see that?" he exclaimed, fist-pumping the air. "She smiled at me! And waved!"

You, unaware that he possessed the same abilities as yourself, didn't think that he'd hear what you were about to say. "Only 'cause I heard you, dummy," you spoke to yourself, a small smile on your face. You had thought it was really cute that he got so excited over such small actions, and for a second, you thought that you might actually have a crush on the boy. But you quickly reminded yourself that relationships with a human was dangerous. Not only for yourself, but them as well. You pushed the feeling aside and continued walking to class.

Liam stopped and his eyes widened.

"Oh, crap," he mumbled, having heard those words you said perfectly clear. He turned to Mason. "She freaking heard me!"

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