I Love you

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Whoop whoop...love the new Jonnie spoiler! Just had to write a little something, how could I not. I think that picture could spark a million different creative thoughts.
Hope you enjoy.
C.J x

Her mind was reeling, hectic thoughts rushing around her head. Connie knew today was going to be difficult, spending time with Jacob out side of work was probably not a wise choice under the circumstances.
She never wanted to break up with him. Now, as time passed it was getting harder to stay away. Feeling that same pull, that invisible force that dragged her reluctantly to him six long months ago. Only now it was stronger. Now she knew what it was like to be with him.

Jacob had yet again put himself in danger to save someone else and all Connie could do was watch helplessly from the side lines as he fought to stay afloat. Not a word you would normally associate with Connie Beauchamp, helpless...but that's what she was, helplessly watching the man that had turned her life on its end being washed away by angry gushing water.
The relief Connie felt when she realized Jacob would be safe was immense. Powerful. Consuming. The urge to wrap her arms around him, to hold him tight and never let go was fleeting because it all came rushing back. Grace's ultimatum, the break up, harsh words and hurt feelings. Swallowing the lump in her throat, setting aside all the emotions, Connie dropped her stoic mask back in place. Hiding her true self.

Listening to him speak about the shooting was more than she could bare, he spoke with honesty and feeling. Nervously stood in front of a room full of strangers pouring his heart out, baring his soul for all to see. Provoking Connie's painful memories of worry and panic as she worked to save his life. His blood covering her clothes, the shock, the desperation, unwilling to loose him when she was only just beginning to get to know him. She thought of the flutter she felt in the pit of her stomach when he took hold of her hand to stop her leaving his recovery room. The uncontrollable urge to let him in, to share, to reward him with the little snippet of information he had tirelessly tried to wheedle out of her. She knew he was different. For all the walls she had built around herself, all the years she'd spent keeping people at arms length, Jacob Masters had walked with ease and a cocky swagger through her defences like they were nothing more than fresh air.
Looking at him now as he tried to convey the importance of having a plan in place when it came to gun violence, his confidence was nowhere in sight. He looked vulnerable, obviously reliving his own horrific memories of the day he very nearly died. His voice broke a little as he closed his speech, leaving the spotlight Jacob made a swift exit.
Lost deep in thought Connie remained to listen to the next speaker, not that she heard a word what was said. She was purely focused on working through her feelings. Why she felt the way she did, why she slept better in his arms, why butterflies lived in the pit of her stomach whenever he smiled at her, a smile he saved only for her. Why she'd been feeling so lonely since they'd parted ways. Why she no longer climbed out of bed in the morning with conviction, ready to put the world to rights. Why she couldn't seem to move on like she's had to do in the past. How even now the slightest touch or smirk for him can make her day.
'Maybe it's lust.' She thought to herself as images of him shirtless earlier flashed through her mind. 'Oh, who am I trying to kid.'
Finding her hands wrung together on her lap fascinating, she mumbled. "I love him."
Her head shot up, eyes wide with shock, she looked at the people around her, looking for some sigh they'd heard her confession. Discreetly excusing herself from the conference, she wondered through the hotel needing to put her jumbled thoughts into some sort of order.

She'd no idea how she had ended up stood in front of his door and only vaguely remembered knocking, it only really sank in when Jacob opened the door. He looked just as surprised as she felt, the gravity of the situation slowing dawning on her. It wasn't a conscious decision, words of their own free will fell from the lips quietly, almost a whisper. "I love you."
The panic didn't come, she thought it would, saying those words to someone that wasn't Grace, she never believed she would ever say them, ever want to say them. But instead of panic and the overwhelming urge to run, her butterflies took flight again. Fluttering all the way from the pit of her stomach right up to her chest making her heart beat faster.
She couldn't read his face, there was no reaction, not even a blink of his eyes. Looking down at her hand she realised he had taken hold of it and was pulling her to him gently, his eyes boring into hers, holding her captive in some sort of dream state, in a trance.
Finding herself completely at his mercury, she let him guide her into his room, she reached up placing her hands on the side of his face, her vision locked on his lips, they were moving but her brain couldn't make sense of the sound. His mouth spread as a slow smile crept over his features.
Jacob's hands mimicked hers, moving to cup her cheeks and forcing hers down his broad chest.
"Connie?" Said Jacob bring her from her daze.
"Sorry." She blushed. "What did you say?"
Stroking his thumbs over Connie's cheeks as he leant down capturing her lips in a gentle kiss, deliberate and exploring. Pulling back Jacob repeated himself. "I said...I love you too." Happiness radiating from him. "I'm in love with...I need you." He told her before his expression turned serious. "What about Grace...I don't want to come between the two of you."
Connie could feel her butterflies calming, sinking back down into their resting place as reality kicked in. "I don't know..." Sadness washed over her. "...I don't what to be with out either of you."
"Then we will find a way..." Jacob assured her trying to sound hopeful. "...it'll just have to be us for a while...we'll work on Grace...start slowly...I'm sure she'll come round."
"I hope so...I'm not sure how much sneaking around I could take..." Connie took a shuddering breath. "...I love you so much...and I want it all Jacob...I want the three of us to be a family...I-" Jacob lunged in, kissing her as if his life depended on it. "-and we will be sweet cheeks." He promised pressing his mouth to her once again.
Jacob continued to hold her to him, enjoying the feel of having her in his arms. "We'll talk Grace round...move in together..." Jacob painted a picture for her. "...I AM going to marry you Connie...and we'll be happy."
Connie eased herself back just a little not wanting to lose his touch, a frown creased the top of her nose. "What did you say?"
Jacob smiled down at her. "We'll be happy..." teased Jacob, knowing what she was really needing clarification on.
"Not that bit..." smiled Connie with tears welling in her eyes, the lump returning to her throat.
"I'm going to marry you." He stated simply.
Connie let out a nervous chuckle as a tear spilled over her cheek. "I'm sure it doesn't work like that...you can't just demand it!" Said Connie only slightly surprised with the conversation they were having as she wiped her face dry.
"Oh...right...so...I should ask then?" Grinned Jacob fraining ignorance.
"Yes." Connie nodded.
With a cheeky Jacob eased himself down onto his knee. "Connie Beauchamp...Will you do me the honour of being my wife...Will you marry me?" He asked looking up at her, his eyes shining bright with love and just a hint of mischief.
"What are you doing?" Laughed Connie not realising his seriousness.
"What you told me to do...you said I should ask...so here I am, asking." Jacob told her.
"Not now!" Exclaimed Connie. "I didn't mean you should do it now!"
"Why not?" Wondered Jacob innocently.
Connie was at a loss, her words were failing her. "What?"
"Why shouldn't I ask now?" Queried Jacob holding onto Connie's hand rubbing his thumb backwards and forwards over her knuckles.
"Because...you...we...Grace, she...you can't..." struggled Connie, tongue tied and flustered.
Amused Jacob continued. "We'll still stick to the same plan...it can be our secret for now...I know I don't have a ring for you...we could go shopping-" "don't you think Grace will notice if I'm wearing an engagement ring?" Asked Connie astounded.
Jacob's cheeky grin appeared back on his face full force. "I'll get you a chain to wear it round you neck till we've sorted things out with Grace...did you just agree to marry me?"
"What!" Connie shrieked. "No!...how would you draw that conclusion?" Connie was flabbergasted but smiling.
"Because you said Grace would notice the ring..." standing up Jacob wrapped his arms around Connie's waist. "...say yes sweet cheeks...make me the happiest man on the planet...let me spend the rest of my life making you happy..." clearing his throat he added. "...let me be there for you and Grace...let's be that proper family that you mentioned-" "Yes." Murmured Connie stopping Jacob in his tracks.
"Yes?" He checked, doubting that he'd heard her right.
"Yes Jacob...I'll marry you..." Smiled Connie as she slid her arms around is neck. "...on the understanding Grace is ok with us."
Lifting Connie up Jacob spun around, both of them laughing blissfully happy.
"God I love you." Said Jacob, his voice full of emotion as a seriousness descended over the couple.
Resting her forehead against his Connie replied. "And I love you." Enjoying how easily it rolled off her tongue. "Make love to me." She murmured as she wrapped her legs around his waist, flicking off her heels as she did.
Carrying Connie over to the bed, Jacob eased her down.
Their passion was instant, hands roamed and the kisses were demanding. Clothes thrown around the room in pure hast. Both hungry for the other, desperate to satisfy their cravings.
"Your still on the pill?" Asked Jacob coming out of his lust filled haze for a spilt second. "Sweet cheeks?" He got no reply, but as Connie halted in her task of ridding him of his boxers shorts, it was all the answer he needed. "Why not?"
"Because I didn't think we'd be here...like this." Chuckled Connie.
"Well I don't have anything...didn't think this would be happening either." Sighed Jacob in frustration.
Using her feet to push Jacob's last remaining article of clothing down his legs and onto the floor Connie carried on seeking kisses regardless.
"Did you hear me?" He asked pulling back to look at her flushed face.
"Yes...I heard you..." Connie bit the side of her bottom lip. "...but did you hear me? I said I want it all...I mean...if it's something you want to..."
Jacob couldn't believe what he'd heard. "Connie, are you saying-" "I want your baby...I want to marry you and I want to make you a father." She told him with new found confidence and determination.
"How long have you felt that way...I'm speechless...over the moon...but please tell me you've thought this through." Wondered Jacob with curiosity and trepidation.
"I'm a decisive woman Jacob...you know that...are you sure you know what your getting yourself into?" Connie asked playfully raising a single eyebrow at him.
With a low growl coming from deep in his throat Jacob sunk into her, earning himself a loud moan from Connie.

Laid wrapped in Jacob's protective embrace Connie slept peacefully and solidly for the first time in two months, a faint smile graced her lips, all signs of her chaotic thoughts and troubles from the morning long forgotten.

The end

C.J xx

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