I Love You 6

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It had been a wonderful seven days, between shifts the three of them had spent time together enjoying each other's company. Grace was happy because she spent less time holed up in Connie's office, pleased to have Jacob to entertain her when he didn't share the same shift as her mum. She was discovering all the perks to her mum having a boyfriend, less time with child minder, more outings and a happier home. All the things she'd worried about had been well and truly unfounded.
Connie on the other hand still had her secret pregnancy hanging over her head. The longer it went on the harder it got. Herself and Jacob hadn't spoken about the prospect of a baby since they'd got back together, seven weeks ago now. She hoped Jacob might raise the subject again, give her a way in, a prompt to start the conversation. But nothing, not a peep, it had occurred to her that maybe a child wasn't a priority for Jacob, maybe this uncomplicated life they'd found was what he wanted.
The more she sat by herself mulling things over the more she convinced herself Jacob would hate the idea. Her rational mind that was telling her he would be happy was being drowned out more and more with every passing second. Right now there was nothing but negative thoughts and she couldn't get passed that.
Connie sat in her office with her head in her hands, she'd given up trying to concentrate on the paperwork some time ago.
Hearing her office door open without even the slightest knock she knew exactly who it would be. Lifting her head she gave Jacob a forced smile, as soon as she'd done it she realized Jacob wouldn't buy her pathetic attempt to hide her worry.
He stood there in front of her desk regarding her, she could see him thinking, heard his brain ticking over as he puzzled his next move.
"Come here." He told her, holding out his hand, his no nonsense expression telling her he wasn't going to accept any excuses.
Pushing herself back from the desk she stood from her chair, walking slowly to him and taking his outstretched hand. He gave her a gentle tug and she glided easily into his embrace. With her safely secured against him Jacob used the momentum to spin her round catching her by surprise.
"So now you fancy yourself as a dancer?" Wondered Connie with a giggle.
"No..." disagreed Jacob. "...I just wanted to see your smile." He told her simply.
"I'm fine...honestly..." She insisted, technically it was the truth, there was nothing physically wrong with her so it didn't feel like lying. Jacob just watched her, waiting, for what she wasn't sure but his scrutiny was making her squirm. A simple 'i'm fine' wasn't going to cut it. "...What?..." She snapped. The pressure of his stare niggling and goading her to react.
"I was just wondering how long you were going to wait." Said Jacob cryptically.
"Wait for what?" Frowned Connie at a complete loss.
"To tell me..." Jacob held her close both arms wrapped around her waist.
"Tell you what...." She wondered. Noticing a happy sparkle in his eyes, a twitch as he fought to keep a straight face. "...you know don't you?" She asked as it suddenly dawned on her.
"I can't believe you think I wouldn't see it...I'm a nurse in case you've forgotten..." he smiled brightly. "...how far along are you?"
"Seven weeks I think...how long have you known?" Quizzed Connie.
"I did wonder when you where ill last week...I felt convinced that you was going to tell me you where pregnant that night...instead you dropped your career change on me." Jacob explained.
"I was going to...I couldn't do it...I don't know why." Connie gave him an apologetic look.
"But you seemed so certain..." Jacob took her hand, leading her to the sofa, he eased her down onto his lap. "...the way you described your vision of our future...and now we have it in our grasp you seem worried, apprehensive. This is great news yet you've tried to hide it from me...for a week...why?"
Connie stayed salient, fiddling with a button on his uniform, collecting her thoughts. "I think I expected a little more time...I certainly didn't expect to conceive first time..." She let out an ironic laugh. "...I know it was naive to think that...I am happy...really...I just feel like...like everything's moving so fast...I was worried I might have railroaded you a little...we didn't really discuss having a baby before...you know...it was all in the heat on the moment-" "Connie I'm ecstatic..." Jacob stopped her, wanting to put her mind at rest. "...I want this...I could never put into words how much I want this...there is no words that could give justice to how happy you've made me...it's not to soon...it's perfect... you, Grace and this baby are my whole life..." he laid a delicate kiss on her lips meant only to comfort her, to reassure.
"I feel ridiculous for thinking you wouldn't be happy...Sat here with you now...I know there was no need to worry...that I was just looking for the negative..." Connie's nervousness increases. "...I guess...I...there's still part of me that's waiting for something to go wrong...like the other shoe is still to drop."
Jacob frowned at her. "I wish you could lose this doubt you carry around with you...I don't know what else I can do to or say to make you realise that your all I need...everything else is a bonus...a wonderful, precious bonus...I'm going to love you for the rest of my life..." he used his thumb to wipe away a tear that rolled over her cheek. "...promise me...no more unnecessary worrying...it's not good for our baby." He smiled placing his palm on her still flat stomach.
Connie gave him the brightest smile, accepting his sweet words and letting the sense of relief wash over her. "I think that must be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me..." She told him through her tears, her voice thick with emotion. Leaning in, they shared a leisurely kiss, unhurried and tender. "...I love you..." She told him as they eased apart. "...I don't know what I did to deserve you...I promise, no more doubting."
The couple sat on the sofa, arms wrapped around each other
"I can't believe you've known all week and not said anything." Said Connie with a watery smile.
"I didn't know for sure...it was this morning when I heard you trying to hide the fact you were being sick by running the shower that sealed it for me...besides I wanted you to tell me." He confessed.
Resting on his shoulder Connie uttered the words. "I'm pregnant Jacob..." She said it with a small smile, saying it out loud for the first time. It was as much for her as him. "...I'm pregnant..." She repeated, letting the statement sink in, trying the words on for size. "...we're having a baby."

Connie and Jacob sat together in quiet contemplation, thinking back over the time since they first met, how different they were. From the uneasiness and intrigue to cautious flirting and secret desires. All the times she'd rebuffed his advances through stubbornness, the times she'd allowed herself a fleeting moment to enjoy his teasing before pulling back, keeping him at arms length.
His persistence and gentle nudging, letting her know he was there, that despite her resistance he wasn't giving up on his pursuit. His straight talking and his ability to knock her off balance.
The way they'd drifted together, the way he'd edged closer without her realising until he was all the way under her skin. How he made everything seem so easy, uncomplicated, lighter and brighter.
The heat she felt when she could resist no more, how right their first kiss felt and how tenderly he'd held her the first night they spent together. His unwavering support and the ease in which she let him give it.
They thought of the times they'd laughed and teased, how quickly they'd found joy just being in the others company, how easily they fit together, how natural it felt.
Even in their separation they found passion, they loved and fought with it, even though they couldn't be, the caring never stopped. The bond they shared kept them together, orbiting the other until gravity won out. Till the need was to great, till they had no choice but to fall back into each other.
Now here they were, stronger than ever, bound together in marriage. With Grace nestled next to them as they cradling their little boy, gazing down at him with such love and devotion.
How quickly life had changed, looking back....

The End

C.J xxx

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