Chapter 3

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Saturday night, I sit down and change my facebook page to "single". I actually feel some satisfaction in changing it. I think I need to be alone for a year to find out what I'm doing wrong to get into these relationships.

My anonymous friend pops up with an instant message:

You're single again?

Me: Yep. Broke up with him on Friday.

AF: Cheated on you again?

Me: Yep.

AF: What are you going to do?

Me: I'm going to take some time off from dating, so I can find out what I'm doing to attract the assholes. I may go into therapy.

AF: Sounds like a plan. You can always talk to me.

Me: Thanks. I'll do that! Gotta go! Talk to you later.

AF: Later.

I sign off and think of my Anonymous friend. He or she is always right on time when I need someone to talk to and the fact that they are anonymous makes it easier to talk to them. They talk to me also. We talk about everything. I know everything about them except for their name and the names of their family. They know the same thing about me except they know my name. I make myself a small dinner and go to bed after eating it.


After she signs off, I decide that I'm going to straighten up my act, so I can finally be with her. I shake the woman beside me, "Time for you to go."

"What? Why? I thought we were having a good time. You told me I could stay until tomorrow." She mumbles.

"That was while I was inside of you. Things change. Get ready to go home and I'll get a cab for you."

She huffs and mumbles about how after what she did for me, I couldn't even take her home as she walks into the bathroom. I don't care, I do it every week. Whoever I pick up, I screw them for the weekend and send them home.

Yes, I am one of those rich assholes. I became one when the girl of my dreams started dating one of my friends when I was fifteen years old. I told myself that I would wait for her and then he started cheating on her and she stayed with him. When the girls started offering me sex, I took it. I didn't give any gifts and I didn't have any girlfriends.

About three weeks before school was out in our junior year, she disappeared. There were all types of rumors going around. They ranged from she left because she was pregnant to her being ashamed because her boyfriend was cheating on her. Chad walked around and told everyone that they were still together, but he wouldn't tell anyone where she was. He continually slept his way through the females at school. I started working on the girls in the next town over. I didn't want to sleep with the girls that he had already slept with.

A year later, I went off to college. I walk into the student store and there she was. She had let her dark hair grow out to her lower back, the waves looking glorious. Her violet eyes as beautiful as I have ever seen them as she talked to the girl who was standing beside her.

I walked over to her and said hi, hoping that she would remember me from school. She shook my hand and gave me a hug. We went to lunch to catch up. I did eventually ask her where she went and she explained about Chad and how she left high school and went to college early since she only needed one class to graduate anyway.

I congratulated her and asked if she was seeing anyone. She told me that she had just started seeing someone. I was too late again. We stayed friends and I stayed in touch with her. After her boyfriend cheated on her again and they broke up. She didn't want to go out with anyone else. Then all of a sudden, she was dating someone again.

That's when I decided to become her anonymous friend on facebook. We talk about everything. She knows all about my family and I know all about hers. I know who her family is but she doesn't know who mine is. She thinks that we're anonymous, but that's only on her side. It's the only way that I can think of to take care of her and to stay connected to her.

Yes, I take care of the assholes that cheat on her. Something slips at a meeting, or an anonymous letter lands on the desk of someone that they are trying to do business with. It always has some tidbit of information that brings a question to the mind of the person and then they lose the business. They never know why and they are never told. Kaira doesn't know about it, but it makes me happy. I actually started it with Chad. An anonymous video of him cheating on a test showed up on the principal's desk. He had to repeat his senior year in high school.

I know that she has her weekly dinner with her friends on Monday nights, and I will be there, so I can put my plan into motion.

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