Chapter 6

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It's been a couple of weeks and I've tried to talk to her a few times and she hasn't been available. Hopefully, I'll be able to talk to her tonight. I have a networking cocktail party tonight and she's coming with me. She's working late tonight so she'll meet me there.

I'm trying not to think about her and how I haven't seen her for the past week so I can get some work done, when Derrick walks in my office. "Hey man what's up?" I ask.

"Just came to see what you are doing." He responds, "I also wanted to know if you're bringing that eye candy that you call a friend to the party tonight?"

I nod not liking where this is going. "I think I'm going to ask her out tonight." He says, "I hope you don't mind. I know she's your date, but since you are just friends, it shouldn't be a problem."

"Not at all. Go ahead and ask her out." I respond confidently because I know that she's going to say "no". He looks at me for a minute and then nods before he leaves. He's just like all of the other assholes that she's dated. If she goes out with him, I'll have to fire and blackball him from getting another job after they break up.

I pick up my phone and dial my mom. She picks up the phone, "Hi sweetie! So nice to hear from you. What's going on?"

I explain the situation to her and ask the question that started plaguing my mind the minute Derrick walked out the door, "Should I warn her that he's going to ask her out?"

"No. This will be a test of some sort for her and for you. Does she recognize the signs of the type of guy that she's was dating before? If so, then she's ready to date. If not, she needs more therapy to know that you are the best man for her." She responds. I love my mom. She's awesome! We talk a little longer and then hang up.

I look at the time and realize that it's time for me to go home and get ready for this shindig.

A few hours later, I walk into the reserved room for the cocktail hour. Sandra, the last woman that I slept with before Kaira and my deal comes walking over. "Where's your girlfriend?" She asks.

"She's not my girlfriend and she'll be here any minute." I respond. She starts to run her finger up my arm, "You know, we can start what we finished a few months ago. I'm a very forgiving person."

I remove her hand. She's just like all of the other ones. They just want a rich one. They don't care how they get them. "No thanks. I've moved on."

She actually snarls at me, "You better hope I don't come across her tonight. I'll tell her all about our weekend together." Great! Something else I have to worry about. "Whatever. Do what you must." I put a bored look on my face until she storms away.

So I have two people to keep her away from tonight.

I know she just walked in the door because I feel her. Also, all of the men look in her direction. I turn and walk towards her admiring mid-thigh strapless cocktail dress and the way that she has her chin-length waves pulled back on one side. Her violet lips curve up in a smile when she sees me.

I reach her and grab her hand, pulling her to me, "Do you know how hot you look tonight?" I whisper in her ear.

"I do, but it's always nice to be told." She laughs and I give her a smile. I tuck her hand in the crook of my elbow and get her a drink. Then we start to make the rounds. She knows just as many people as I do at this function. Still we both make a few new contacts and I've managed to avoid Derrick and Sharon.

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