Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


The girls and I are at dinner tonight catching up when I see Nina at the next table talking to someone. I try to hide but she sees me and comes over to the table.

"Hi Kaira! Fancy seeing you here!" She exclaims.

I put on a fake smile, "Hi Nina. What are you doing out this way? I thought you all lived back up north."

"We did, but Chad moved us down here." She responds. I nod.

Amanda speaks up, "Have a seat. We're just having a drink before we go home."

"Okay." She takes the seat by Amanda. I introduce everyone and of course they start asking questions.

"How did you two meet?" Marissa asks.

"Chad and I were at this cocktail party a couple of weeks ago and we met there. She really helped me with my nerves, since it was the first one that I've ever been to." She responds.

"Oh. How long have you and Chad been married?" Robin asks.

"About four months." She folds her hands in front of her.

"How long did you date before you go married?" Marissa continues the interrogation.

"About four months." Nina tells us.

"There's a story in there somewhere." Amanda says, "Was it love at first sight?"

Nina looks around and then leans forward, "If I tell you guys something, will you keep it a secret?" We all nod hurriedly. "I had been working for Chad for a couple of years and watched his first marriage implode because he's an idiot. A few weeks later, I heard him and his father in his office and his father was telling him that if he didn't find a wife soon, that he would disinherit him. Chad was able to put his father off by saying that if he married so soon after his divorce, then it would look bad on the family."

"His father gave him six months to find someone to marry. A couple of weeks later, Chad came to me with a deal. If his parents approved of me, we would get married and he will give me a half million dollars. If I provide him with another heir, the price would go up to a million. All I have to do is stay married to him for five years and provide him with a child. I see him with his child and he is an excellent father, so I know that any child that we have, would be well taken care of, so I said yes."

We were all silent for a moment absorbing this. I'm stunned. I know that I shouldn't be, but I am. "So you have sex with him?" Cassie asks astounded.

Nina's head flew back as she looks at all of us, "What do you think I am, stupid. As many women as he slept with, I told him he needed to be tested and we will have the baby by invitro-fertilization. I'm not having sex with him. Her face screws completely up.

"Are you pregnant yet?" I ask.

"Not yet. We decided to wait until we're married for a year before we start trying. I have my own wing in the house and he has his own. For the most part, we live our own lives, but we come together for different events and dinner at his parent's house." She informs us. We nod in understanding.

I have to ask, "Did his mom have the conversation about the responsibility of being a 'Martin' wife?"

Nina actually laughs, "She tried to, but I explained to her that if Chad has so much as one indiscretion while he is married to me, that I would cut it off and hand it to the woman that he was screwing."

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