Chapter 4

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I almost cancelled dinner with the girls tonight, but I need to keep up some of my regular schedule. My Monday night dinner with the girls is something we have done since we graduated from college. We all managed to get jobs and move to the same area. Some of us are more successful than others, but we don't rub it in, we just have a good time.

Tonight we are meeting at Bottega Louie, an Italian restaurant on Grand Ave. It has great food and good prices. Our group of five pile in and is seated immediately.

We order our drinks and the conversation starts. "I have exciting news!" Amanda says, "My article will be featured in Newsweek!"

"The one about the corruption of the voting officials?" Marissa asks.

Amanda moves her head up and down excitedly, "They are talking about making it a cover story! Do you know what this will do for my career?" She's practically bouncing up and down in her seat, making us all excited for her.

"That is awesome! The exposure alone will bring the job offers in. Are you sure that you don't want to stay freelance?" I ask while congratulating her.

"I've been thinking about that and since I don't have a husband and kids yet, I may stay freelance for a while longer. I'll get more assignments and my time will still be mine, you know." She responds.

I nod in agreement. Cassie says, "I'm jealous that you can set your own hours. Sometimes the 9-5 isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but sometimes I could use a little more flexibility."

"I'm right there with you." Robin sighs, "I don't even like my job though. It's just a means to get by until I find the position that I want. Mac just tells me to quit until I find what I want, but I need to get out of the house for a few hours a day to keep my sanity."

I remember the position that just opened up in our company, it would be perfect for Robin, "A Hub manager position just opened up in my company. There is some traveling involved, but the position is perfect for you. You should definitely apply and I'll put in a good word for you."

Robin's face lights up, "Really? How is the pay?" I tell her also giving her the job description and she says that she will apply the first thing in the morning since it's double what she's currently making and the position seems perfect for her. The only reason I suggested her because we won't be working in the same building, not even the same area. She will be working on the other side of town. I love my friends, but I don't need to see them every day.

"I have exciting news!" Marissa announces. She holds up her hand and shows us the big diamond on her left hand, "I'm getting married!" All of us jump up at the same time congratulating her and giving her hugs.

"Let me have a look at that ring!" Robin says excitedly. Marissa holds out her hand so we can see the humongous cushion cut diamond that is resting on her finger. After we ooh and aah over her ring a little bit, our food is brought over and we start eating.

"How did we not notice that gigantic ring when we all came in?" I ask around a mouth full of lasagna.

"I know, right." Cassie agrees.

"I made sure that I hid it from you." Marissa answers holding up a skin colored glove. We laugh and ask her about her wedding plans while we eat.

We are having our after dinner drink when Amanda turns to me, "I saw your status change on facebook. What happened?"

"The same thing that always does. He cheated on me one too many times. What is it about me that I keep attracting these losers? I'm taking a break from dating for about a year and figure out how to change the type of guy that I'm attracting." I tell the table as a whole.

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