Chapter 9

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It's been a week since I've talked to him. It's not sinking in that he's my anonymous confidant who knows all of my secrets. I haven't been able to sleep, eat or concentrate on my work. He's called and texted me many times, but I can't bring myself to talk to him yet. I told the girls what happened, and they tell me that I'm making too much out of it. I know just as much about him as he does about me. My mom said the same thing. For some reason, I can't get past it.

I'm sitting at home eating ice cream and attempting to read a book when my door buzzer goes off. I look at the cameras and a lady I've never seen before is standing there. I press the intercom, "Who is it?"

"Ingrid Wallace. Please let me in, I really need to talk to you." I press the unlock button and let her up. I walk over and open the door as she ascends the last few steps to my door.

She steps inside and looks around, "You have a very nice place."

I attempt a smile, "Thank you."

She fixes her gaze on me, "You are very pretty. My son didn't lie and your pictures don't do you justice."

"Thank you." I say again. I allow her to follow me further into the living room. I gesture a seat and she takes it.

"I just wanted to come and talk to you about James." She says. This conversation is starting to sound familiar.

"If you are here to tell me about the responsibility of being a Wallace woman, I'm not interested." I say quickly.

She looks at me in confusion for a second before understanding comes over her face, "What? Oh hell no! If my husband ever thought-. Let's just say that we wouldn't have had kids because I would have taken the equipment from him. I demand the best from my husband, just like I expect that you demand the best from any man that you've dated."

She manages to get the first genuine smile out of me since last week, "Okay, I'm ready."

She smiles at me, "I just want to explain why my son did the facebook thing. He's loved you since he was fifteen years old. When you disappeared, he went crazy wanting to find you. One of his friends came up with the idea of looking you up on facebook. He found you and kept track of you. Then he came across you in college and you had a couple of relationships that ended badly. He decided to become friends with you and IM'd you. He thought that you knew who he was but found out that it came up as anonymous. He decided that instead of telling you who he is, he would become your confidant and take care of you."

She shifts in her seat a little, "Did you know that Chad had to repeat his senior year in high school?"

I shook my head, "I left town and never looked back. I called and talked to my parents every day, but I didn't ask about anyone at school or anything. Would you like something to drink?"

"Yes please." I walk into the kitchen and get her a glass of water and bring it back to her.

"Thank you." She takes a sip, "Anyway, an anonymous video of Chad surfaced showing him cheating on his schoolwork and tests. He was almost expelled, but his parents put a lot of money in the school, so he only had to repeat his senior year. Every male who has wronged you has paid in some sort of way because James couldn't understand how they could treat you that way."

"When you came back into his life, he was ecstatic! He's loved you for so long and he's miserable now without you. He told me that he's tried to tell you many times, but things kept happening."

I think about what she told me. I remember him telling me many times over the past few months that he had to talk to me, but something always happened. Then I think over the past few years and how a couple of the exes accused me of sabotaging something that they were into. I told all of them that when they left, I stopped thinking about them.

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