Chapter 6.

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I walked inside and dropped my gun on the couch and sat down feeling my heart racing a thousand miles an hour.

I helped Spider-Man's ass. Oh my glory.  I just blew my cover. I'm dead.

I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My face was completely covered in black from the smoke. "He didn't see me!"

I almost squealed in delight, but stopped when I felt my leg give way and I had to hold onto the sink for support.

I looked down and saw my leg had been sliced. Not badly but enough for it to hurt for the next two days. Must of caught it on something.

I quickly fix the wound and throw away my hoodie and jeans. I could not leave behind any evidence.


At school the next day the whole place was a buzz about Spider-Man. I found Peter sitting at a lunch table nearly all by himself so I sat down next to him.

"Ok now you're stating to stalk me."

He laughed and flicked a piece of bread onto my plate.

"Didn't think you'd mind."

Peter smiled. "Well I... I don't think. Yeah you can sit there."

I quietly chortled at his awkwardness and began eating.

Peter grabbed a piece of chicken from his plate. "So what about that Spider-Man fight last night?"

I almost choked on my food. I knew I had to be seen. "Oh what about it?"

Peter shrugged. "I don't know. I mean it's happened a lot I guess so it wears off after a bit, but last night apparently someone helped him."

I bit down on my food a bit too hard accidentally biting my lip. "Oh? Who was it?"

Peter shrugged. "I don't know. Don't think anyone knows actually."

I felt the weight lift and I could breath again. "So a new mystery then? The girl who saved Spider-Man's ass."

Peter looked almost offended. "She didn't save his ass. Just helped."

I put my hands up. "Ok ok."

He smiled and I couldn't help but smile too.
Every channel. Aliens and Avengers battling to the death in New York.

I gripped my chair a little too hard and felt myself holding my breath. What had happened to Fury?

I couldn't control myself and kept switching through the channels when there was a knock on the door.

I quickly switched the room to normal but the TV was still playing.

I pulled the door open and Peter looked inside. "I was wondering if you were watching it too."

I let him step inside and we both say in front of the screen watching the action.

It felt endless. It looked hopeless. The giant flying aliens were swarming the city and Iron Man was having trouble holding his ground.

It was hard to keep track until one little movement caught my eye. A missile.

I moved forwards and put my finger on the screen. "Oh no you didn't. What the hell!"

Peter came up as well and was watching the action with a sense of longing and anger.

Iron Man grabbed the missile and pulled it into the wormhole.

I grabbed the screen. "Come on Tony, come on."

I accidentally grabbed Peter's arm and squeezed it. "Come on Tony!"

When the red suit came falling from the sky Peter erupted into cheers. "Yes! They did it!"

I was still sitting on the floor feeling my heart race and wondering what happened to Fury.

I stood up and Peter hugged me. "Oh my gosh they did it."

I pulled away and we both started laughing and applauding.
Midnight on the dot the phone rang. I almost hurt my other leg trying to grab it.


"Are you alright?"


"Oh my gosh you're safe Fury. I thought something had happened to you."

You could almost feel him smile. "I'm fine. Got some cleaning up to do but we should be ok. I called to ask you something."


"What type of dangers are you willing to put yourself through next time?"

My chest tightened. He saw on the news.

I calmly put the phone closer to my ear.

"I am willing to do what is necessary to help. Even Spider-Man thanked me."

Fury sighed. "I can't make you safer over there and I can't control what you do, but you can. Don't be stupid."

I nodded my head even though he couldn't see me. "Yes sir."

"Good. Now go to bed. I will get in touch soon."

I hung up the phone and lay in my bed. "Don't be stupid. Best advice ever."

Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter is a bit boring but I promise it will get waaaaaay more interesting the next few. I am including civil war and ultron movie scenes in this book just so you can think of this as the bit you don't see in the movie. Love you guys and thank you for reading! -J

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