Chapter 5.

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"School is interesting." I say to Director Fury's face on the t.v. "Not really much to report."

Fury nodded. "Well it's good that you're ok and safe. Make sure you get back to me as soon as you figure something out." A bang was heard outside the office Fury was in and he looked alarmed. "I have to go."

The screen went black and my eyes went wide. "Fury. What!"

I didn't want to freak out but I felt panicked about what was going on in the Helicarrier's. Fury hadn't updated me.

I put the tablet down and pulled some notebooks from my folder. There was information on every subject I was learning and I had already finished my homework. It was a lot easier when you'd already learnt it by the age of nine.
That night I spent some time down in the 'secret  room.' Trying to figure out the Spider-Man situation but it was hard. Nothing to go on since I had to receive my own evidence. A clean slate almost. What Sharon saw or collected was relevant to her and not to me.

I had to wait for something to happen. A fight or flight scene with Spider-Man at it's core.

I fiddled with my pen and almost as if the angels above had heard me I heard a crash. It sounded like a truck by the sound of the horn and I immediately raced upstairs and outside where chaos was unfolding before me.

I pulled my hoodie close to my chest and put the hood on my head as I noticed the truck had stopped right in the middle of the road unharmed.

People were coming outside to see what was going on and it seemed like in just a matter of seconds it went from peace to panic.

I was checking out its license plate when I heard a gunshot and glass smashing. People were racing everywhere as a car crashed into the truck lighting it ablaze.

I raced up into my apartment and climbed to the roof where a flat surface stood in front of the red roof.

I looked over the roofs and saw the bank a few blocks down had reflections of police lights around its marble structure.

I bolted down the stairs grabbing a few things and shoving them into my pockets along with a notebook, pen and my gun.

I ran up to the trucks window trying to avoid the blaze from the car behind it and noticed that the driver had been shot straight in the temple. Why?

I felt my heart beating violently in my chest filled with adrenaline and anxiety. My breath was clearly seen as I panted along the road putting the information I gathered before into the back of my mind.

I made it to the outside of the bank where a few police cars were surrounding the area. I raced forwards but was stopped by a police officer who held me back. "No going in kid. Go home."

I nodded but ran around the other side where the front was. Glass was smashed around the front and lights were shot on the inside. A dark cover for a bunch of thieves.

I tried to get myself closer but I couldn't get past the two large cops in front of me without being seen.

I was about to move back to get a better view when I heard a noise. It sounded like a squelch and when I turned around it saw it. A string of web.

Next thing I new I was looking at the sky seeing a red flash above me swinging straight into the bank.

The two policeman in front of me grabbed their walker talkies but only one spoke. "Spider-Man has entered the scene. I repeat Spider-Man has entered the scene! Do we pursue?"

You could hear a faint yes and and police grabbed their guns and charged forwards.

I felt a rush as I heard the action taking hold inside but that's when it dawned on me. The truck. It was the thieves escape vehicle! It sounded like a long shot but something was just niggling inside my head telling me I was spot on.

I didn't stop for a moment and raced back to the truck.

It was still in the middle of the road waiting for its cargo to be loaded.

I pulled my gun from my jeans and held it out. "Sorry fellas but you ain't going nowhere."

I shot all the tires multiple times on the side I was on and it made a creaking sound as it went off balance and fell sideways.

I was about to put my gun away when more gunshots were heard. People were screaming in panic as two large figures came up to the truck. I quickly backed off but they saw me first. They saw the truck then the gun I was holding and they looked pissed.

They raised their guns to point at me but then something knocked them to the side. Spider-Man. He quickly fixed a large web around their struggling bodies and flung them into the back of the truck.

I stood in awe at his agility and strength. People started applauding and coming forwards seeing the hero who had saved them.

I was still holding my gun out next to my leg when Spider-Man sat on the top of the sideways truck staring right at me.

I stared into his mask and took in his body features. He was skinny with good muscle definition, and an oval type head shape. It was a boy. That was a definite.

He looked at me and did something I never thought would happen. He nodded his appreciation then jumped high into the city buildings disappearing from sight.

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