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I am holding a gun. My hands are shaking and I am crying. The gun shifted my hand. It turned to me and I wad staring down the gun pipe. Black demons ran up my arms and my throat leaving suffocating feeling lingering in my body.
At the corner of my eye I saw light. Yellow light so bright, my tears dried on my cheeks.
A pale hand reached out to the gun holding it tightly.
"Blurry is the one I'm not." The voice said and my gun was no longer there.
A figure appeared. Skinny, slightly muscular. Looks like human, but is angelic.
I couldn't see his face yet it was carved into my brain.

¤ ¤ ¤

My eyes opened and once again I was greeted by the ceiling. Hello, good friend.
I stretched out my limbs and headed to the bathroom.
I looked in the mirror to see a face covered in fear. My eyes penetrated the glass but they are so weak. They are so tired. They have seen enough on the other side of sleep.
I washed my face and put on some clothing.
As I opened the room door I saw Ruby sitting on a couch watching sponge bob square pants. "Good morning sis." I came up behind her and kissed her temple. "Good morning Ty." She smiled and continued watching the cartoon. I entered the kitchen and poured myself some cereal and chocolate milk. I sat down at the table and listened to the silence that has been surrounding Ruby and me. Silence has raised us.

Mother and father are at work.
I looked around. All these pretty things. But no love.

When I finished eating, I put the bowl in the sink with a sigh.

The silence was driving me insane by now.

I got back to my room, closing the door behind me and rushed towards the wall colliding my knuckles to it. I punched it until my knuckles were bleeding and red was dripping over the floor.
"Ty?" I turned around to see Ruby standing in front of me with concerned eyes. "Wait." I whispered and went to the toilet to wash off the blood of my hands.

I came back and picked her up. I remember when I was 10. She is so strong. I was a mess. I had no one. I won't let that happen to her. I hugged her tightly and she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck slightly tickling my neck. "You know that I will never leave you, right?" I said into her hug. "I know Ty." She pulled away and smiled at me. She is so strong. I put her down and she took my hand and kissed my knuckles. "They will get better now." I pat her hair and she ran off to the living room.

I covered the hole with yet another poster and took my uke starting to pluck the strings with hurt fingers.

The day was empty like every other. I went to my job, dropped Ruby off to her school, survived my shift, brought Ruby home.
Every single day.

Ok so my vision here is to show you Tylers problems like lucid dreams panic attacks suicidal thoughts etc. Trough every chapter you will find out more about Tyler and his life and his problems. Enjoy :)

Light ♡ joshler Where stories live. Discover now