
211 11 10

Day 1

I am falling. I am crying. I looked up and there was nothing but black. I looked down and I was about to hit the rushing swirl of pills and I was suffocating while hallucinations danced around the room and pills were drowning me. Hallucinations were showing me red eyes and smiles that could kill as blurryface laughed, his devilish laughter echoing trough the room I was dying in. Just as my face was about to go under, yellow light flashed trough the room and a pale arm reached out and grabbed mine pulling me out.
"Blurry is the one I'm not." He said. He pulled me up with his warm hands and embraced me and yet again I felt safe.

¤ ¤ ¤

And I woke up again, sweat dripping down my forehead.
I looked over at the clock on my night stand. 3:00am. I groaned and got up heading to the bathroom. Before entering my bathroom I took a glance at the living room and saw mother sitting on the couch staring out the window. I backed away from the door silently and went into the bath tub filled with hot water. I didn't bother to take off my clothes as I just laid there looking up at the ceiling once again as it was becoming darker and darker as I drifted away to a rare silent sleep.

¤ ¤ ¤

Ruby and I hopped into my car and I drove to her school. I realised my car radio was broken and and I sighed. "No music today." I said and heard Ruby sigh too.
I pulled away at the primary school driveway and Ruby hopped out blowing me a kiss before running to the entrance and disappearing in the crowd.

I continued driving to my job.
When I parked my car, I got my stuff from the backseat and headed to the busy setting.
The café was packed with people. Like any other day it was warm inside from all the people, and the smell... It made me dizzy.
I have three friends. But to be honest they are not real friends. Only coworkers. They tried befriending me but it didn't work.
We just didn't click. I can't really click with anyone, can I now? One of them, Hayley, came up to me and hugged me. "Hey how are you?" She asked but didn't care enough to let me answer, so I didn't. "We went to such a good party last night, you would have loved it." No I wouldn't. I hate parties. She tried being friendly but let's be honest she just wanted to go out as soon as her shift was over, and I knew that. I was alone again.

Hours were monotone and long, slurring together as customers were coming in and leaving, I was making coffee and other drinks. But I didn't have to talk at least. I wasn't the cashier. I was just sipping things and handing them to Brendon who was the cashier. He was flirting with every girl that came in and they would all fall for it. I felt sorry for their naive selves falling for the smile covering that disgusting inside.

Ok so here's another one and I gotta warn you that you will have to be patient for Josh's arrival sorry

Light ♡ joshler Where stories live. Discover now