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Aimi POV:

"Are we there yet?" I asked for the 10th time , hoseok who was driving sigh and shook his head still looking at the road , i turned my head to the opened window , closing my eyes feeling the freshing breeze "why are you so nervous?" Hoseok asked with a worried look in his eyes , i shrugged and sigh , "well...i kind of screwed up things with him" i said to myself but he can hear it , he ended up giving me a confused look ,"him?" He asked i nodded and looked at my lap , playing with fingers "namjoon....last night at the party , i poured a drink on him" i said whispering the last part , and before i feel it , the car stopped suddenly which made my body move forward , i gasp , and glared at hoseok , he looked at me "what the-" i yelled but he interupted me , "you did what?" He yelled , "dont blame me , he started it" i excused and looked away , "oh gosh Aimi , you are dead" hoseok face-palmed himself , and turned the car on again , continued on our road , 10 minutes later , we parked the car and got out , i was on my way to the inside of the building until hoseok held my wrist , "wear this and DONT take it off" he said handing me a pair of sun glases and mouth mask , i assumed its for hidding myself from Namjoon , so i just nodded and wore them , great now i look like so suspicious woman, i sigh and walked in we got throught the elevator and stopped infront of a door , hoseok knocked on the door , i just looked around me "come in" deep voice overwhelmed the place , oh my god its him!..breath in & out !!.., we walked in and Namjoon was there sitting on his chair with some other guy next to him , kim taehyung was his name?.., i shrugged but jumped a litte bit as Namjoon stood up and walked our way , i frooze in my place but kept myself together , "Mr.Namjoon , its nice to see you again" hoseok said shacking his hand , and Namjoon smiled ??... Oh god what is this feeling...he should smile more , "the pleasure is mine , i hope Mrs.kim is doing good, i heard that she hasnt been doing well lately " Namjoon said and montioned us to sit , i sat next to hoseok while Namjoon was infront of us "thats right , she is doing great now , but she still cant take care of the company , so she assined her daughter instead" hoseok said pointing at me , Namjoon looked at me , i bowed a bit and he bowed back , i cleared my throat and he Kept staring at me "why are you wearing all that? Isnt it too hot?" Taehyung spoke all of a sudden , i can swear i forgot about him , i looked at him and titled my head "no i'm sick so im feeling a bit cold" i chuckled nervously and looked back at Namjoon "so , what is it that you wish to discusse?" I asked , Namjoon smiled and stood up picking up so papers and puting in infront of me , i looked at it "May i ask what is this?" I asked pointing at the papers , he sat back and crossed his legs "read it" he said looking at the papers then at me , "partner ship?.." I mumbled reading the papers , it seems like he wants our campanies to collab , arent we rivals?... Or what?. I raised my gaze to him and let out a small breath , "i see, but can i know the reason ?" I asked politely , he noded "you see , our company is going through some taugh times lately , mine and yours has been working together for quite some long time , so i think its a good idea , it will make our bussiness more noticable and powerful" he said crosing his arms on his chest "you mean YOUR bussiness , i dont beleive my company has any benefits from this partnership" i said putting the papers back , "you look famaliar " taehyung pointed out , i gasped a bit and cleared my throat , " really?.. I dont remember meeting you ,thought" i said looking away , "i wonder about that " he whispered , and i turned my gaze to Namjoon "so as i said , i dont think this plane will work , i heard that your company is working on a new project , and it seems like thats the real reason why , correct me if im wrong" i said , he smirked a bit and giggled "you got me then , thats true , we have been working for it , for quite some time , the thing is we cant efford continuing it" he said titling his head , "then dont" i said simply , "if you know that it will damage your companies futur , why keep it on ?" I continued , "yeah but my father is the one that started this project and he wanted me to end it no matter what happens " he said uncrossing his legs and looking straight at me , "dont you think that my company is the one , who will be effected by this? If we cover up the project's expenses , we will lose alot of money and beside that , we have alot of projects already so that wont make it any easier" i said standing up , he looked at me and stood up too " i beleive that this one project will do you good better than all of those of yours" he said assuring me , " i dont mind taking a look at this project then" i said he nodded and walked to the door , "please follow me Miss.." He said and i looked at him .

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