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eleven —

for once, i obeyed someone. even while being drunk as shit. i obeyed chanyeol and i didn't leave the restaurant. however, it took him about an hour to arrive. i was nearly falling asleep on the restaurant table when i heard the little bell above the door go off, and a deep, quite familiar voice call me. "oh hani!"

being intoxicated and completely out of it, i didn't realize it was obviously chanyeol's voice. i popped my head up from my arms on the table as a reaction. "dad?!"

chanyeol's tall figure ran to me. if i was sober, my face would be much more surprised rather than confused.

"dumbass, i'm not your dad."

"hey, it's youuuuuu," i giggly drawled, pointing at him. "the love of my life!" my giggle grew louder as i slumped back on my seat.

chanyeol sighed, taking my hand and pulling me up. i flinched a bit at the sudden action, but then managed to balance myself. my eyes widened automatically at the height difference between him and me.

"wow!" i looked up at him, but i saw like, three of him. "did you bring them?" i tilted my head.

"bring what?" his eyebrows furrowed.

"your twins!" i answered and broke into laughter for no reason.

chanyeol sighed, trying to keep me balanced on my feet. "okay, i'm gonna take you home. you shouldn't be drinking like this, hani! you literally just turned eighteen."

i nodded, jutting out my bottom lip.

"where do you live? i'll take you home," he offered.

"your heart." a smile formed on my lips and i buried my finger right onto his chest. on the wrong side, though, because i'm a complete mess.

he took my finger and slid it over to the correct area. "first of all, my heart is right here. second of all, you wish. and lastly, i'm being serious! answer my question! you need to get home."

a groan escaped my lips. "fine, fine!"

chanyeol's car was the kind with the quiet a/c, which helped me fall asleep while he drove me to my house. i couldn't remember my address at the drunken moment, so i lent him my phone so that he could see it on the maps app since i had it saved.

the car ride, i didn't remember much of, due to me being asleep, but one thing i did remember become something i wish i could forget.

he gently nudged me to wake me up once we were in my house's driveway. my eyes fluttered open, and i smiled at the sight of him, which i am actually proud of. i was glad i had a casual reaction to meeting him, rather than a crazy one, which i probably would have had if i was sober.

"hani, we're here," he said softly. "i mean, i think we are. this is your house, right?" he raised a brow.

i took a quick glance at the house and nodded to confirm. chanyeol reached over to unbuckle my seatbelt, and of course, i can't possibly have a miracle like this happen without embarrassing the shit out of myself. i placed my hand on his and intertwined our fingers as my drunken eyes looked into his wide open ones.

"hey," i spoke in a small voice, "you know what you should do?"

his eyebrows furrowed as he asked, "what?"

"fuck me the way you did to that bitch you didn't know."

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