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twenty ;; final —

with a quick message to chanyeol, he arrived at my house in chen's oh so precious car in just less than an hour. once i heard the honk outside, followed by the sight of a dm on instagram from him, i rushed out of my house as soon as i let my older sister know that i'd be going out.

due to the stain, i sat in the backseat of the car after greeting chanyeol—who obviously sat in the front seat—with a loud, "oh shit whaddup!"

it was the first time ever meeting him in person when i wasn't under the influence of alcohol, but i wasn't as crazy about it. probably due to the little skype call a few weeks back; i already saw way more than what i was seeing now, so what is there to go really crazy about?

after he greeted back, we went off to the sm building, where exo and the other artists stayed. after realizing this, i started to feel a nervous and overwhelmed. was i, a commoner, just about to run into girls generation? or perhaps f(x)? though i really was only there to clean the stain with chanyeol, i didn't have much doubt that i would meet any other of my favorite artists.

i wasn't sure why it was so difficult for chanyeol to remove the stain. as soon as i took over, i made that seat look like new in just a matter of seconds. all i used was hydrogen peroxide and a wet towel.

"how the fuck did you do that so quickly?" he asked, jaw dropped and eyes fixated on the white carseat. "are you a goddess?"

"no, i'm a hoe."

"wa- what does that even mean?!"

i shrugged and chuckled, eyeing the car, causing an idea to pop up on my mind. "hey, while we're at it, why don't we just clean the whole car? like, wash it."

chanyeol's face turned from confused to disgusted. "by we, i hope you mean you and someone else because i'm not up for cleaning."

knowing what his reaction would be to my next words, a smirk formed on my face. "that's fine. can you call my cutie baekhyun for me? i'm sure he'd love to help me out."

"it's okay! i'll help you clean!" he suddenly smiled with fake excitement.

"okay, but call the others to help," i ordered. "like, baekhyun and sehun."

at first he refused, but after minutes of arguing, i eventually won (like i always do). he went inside to grab cleaning supplies, call baekhyun and sehun down and let chen know we'd be cleaning his car.

baekhyun came out with his usual smile, greeting me with a warm hug, forcing out a frown onto chanyeol's face.

sehun came out with droopy eyelids, messy hair and pyjamas on. "what are we doing?" he questioned, rubbing his eyes. once he broke contact with his finger and his eyes, he saw the cleaning supplies on the floor in front of the car. he immediately turned around and walked back in. "no."

"well, i guess it's just us three, then." i shrugged.

after the three of us spent about ten minutes just preparing ourselves, we stood in front of the car, ready to wash.

"okay, ladies, now let's get in formation," i said before the three of us then began to wash chen's car. as i sort of expected, it resulted in the three of us spraying water on each other, slipping on the ground, and screeching each time we're splashed with water.

for baekhyun and me, it was easier to hide due to our shorter figures, which is why the battle was baekhyun and me versus chanyeol. after baekhyun and i hid together behind another car— which baekhyun informed me to be f(x)'s luna's car,— for several minutes, chanyeol finally found us and splashed the two of us unexpectedly with a bucket of water.

"you guys were hiding back here the whole time?!" chanyeol exclaimed.

being sucked up in a pit of uncontrollable laughter, baekhyun and i were unable to respond.

"i wanna hide with hani now," chanyeol demanded, taking my wrist in his hand and effortlessly pulling me up from the ground.

"hmmm." baekhyun gave chanyeol a smirk. "you don't want to hide with hani. i already know what it is you really wanna do," he said, getting up. i was about to gasp and argue until he continued. "i'll leave you two to it." and with a quick wink, he was walking away.

once he was gone, i looked down at my soaked clothing. "wow, i'm wet." after thinking about what i had just said, i shot my head up to look at him with widened eyes. "wait! i didn't mean like—i mean i—ugh, this is awkward." i pursed my lips.

he stifled a chuckle, scratching the back of his head. "yeah."

"are you scratching your bald spot?" i joked, because the only thing that makes me feel more comfortable in awkward situations is making rude remarks.

instantly, he grunted at my words. "why do you always bully me?"

"why not?"

"because i'm the love of your life," he answered. "at least that's what you told me when you were drunk."

before sticking out my tongue at him, i said, "that doesn't mean i can't bully you."

"of course it does!" he shot back.

"give me a reason why i shouldn't bully you."

with that, his two hands cupped my face, which still had rivulets of water from when he splashed me with water just a few minutes prior, and leaned in. i felt of eruption of butterflies in my stomach as soon as his soft lips met mine, sweetly. this went on for only a couple of seconds rather than longer, which is what i wished for.

unsure of what to do when he pulled away and looked into my eyes with a small smile, the only thing i could think of was to make a stupid remark.

"that's not a reason."

sighing, he rolled his eyes. "whatever. you're ugly anyways."

"as are you," i cutely sang, cupping his face this time, and going in for another kiss. a longer one this time.

that was until the two of us were splashed with water and heard a familiar, powerful voice yell, "weren't you guys gonna clean my car, you little shits?!"

uh oh.


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