ER fun- Seokjin

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Practice before a date. Nothing could go wrong. You've done it a million times before. Right? 


You broke your goddamn foot.

It was leg day. A leg day just like any other. It felt completely normal. You were running around the track, nothing huge. Until one of your teammates decided to be an asshole and trip you during a sprint. 

You fell. Hard. Your foot twisted and you couldn't do anything but  lay there. 

"Y/l/n." Your coach calls., "What happened?" 

Still laying there, you tell him "Someone tripped me during my sprint." 

Your coach curses under his breath, "MinYoung, driver her to the ER, Jinsung take her to MinYoung's car." 

MinYoung and JinSung come over, "MinYoung, can you help y/n on her feet so i can pick her up?" JinSung asks. MinYoung sticks out her hand and you grab it, trying to get up one one foot. 

Once on one foot, JinSung picks you up and carries you to MinYoung's car and sets you in the back seat. "Thank you JinSung." You smile. 

"No problem y/n. Good luck. I hope it's nothing to serious!" He says before running back to practice. 

"TO THE ER MY HURT CHILD." MinYoung yells starting up her car. 

Once at the ER you check in and MinYoung leaves to get back to practice. 

"Miss y/n y/l/n?" A nurse calls.

You stand up and go into a area to get you vitals. You answer all their questions and get sent back to a room. Suddenly you see a text from Jin. 


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You see Jin's text and laugh. 

"Is it okay if my boyfriend comes?" You ask the nurse hoping she'll say yes.

The nurse smiles, "Oh young love, but yes. Especially with your injury you can't drive, you'll need him." 

You thank the nurse and text Jin the address of the ER telling him he can come in. The nurse helps you up and into a wheelchair and takes you back to a room. 

"Miss y/l/n?" The front office lady comes asks


"You have a male here to see you, his says his name is Kim Seokjin, and that he is your boyfriend?" She inquires. 

You nod, "Yes, he's my boyfriend." 

The woman gestures for Jin to come in, he enters the room. "Hey jagiya," Jin smiles, "How did that happen." He asks looking at your swollen foot then giving you a kiss on your forehead. 

You laugh nervously, "Um. Well. We were sprinting in practice and someone tripped me." You explain to your boyfriend. 

"Really. Who needs to be killed. I'll  get Namjoon on it right away." Jin says in a serious tone. 

You laugh, "Nobody needs to be killed Jin. I'll be fine." 

"Miss y/l/n?" A nurse come in, "I'm Daeun. I'll be taking your xray today." Daeun unlocks your wheelchair and pushes you towards the radiology room with Jin following close behind. 

Daeun takes you back to the room and you and Jin talk for while. 

"Y/n. I told the boys you were at the ER they were all so scared about you." Jin explains. "I told them that it was just a broken foot, but they were still so scared y/n. YOU CAN'T JUST TELL ME YOU'RE IN THE ER GEEZ." 

"Calm yourself Jin. I didn't even have to tell you I was even in the ER."

"I AM YOUR BOYFRIEND Y/N." Jin flights back

"Okay. And..." 

"Okay. Besides that. How did you even get here?" Jin asks, changing the subject little did he know it wouldn't help. 

Hesitantly you tell him, "Well, JinSung carried me to MinYoung's car and MinYoung drove me here." 

"I'm trying not to be jealous. But really. JinSung. The buffest guy on your team."  Jin complains.

"Coach just told JinSung to carry me and that was it. Okay. I would come over and kiss you to change your mind, but, I'm kinda in a wheelchair. So." You say trying to console Jin. 

Jin walks over and gives you a peck on your lips, "You're lucky you're cute y/n." You smile and you hear and knock at the door. 

"Hello, I'm Dr. Jeon Junseo." He bows and then shake your hand. "So Miss y/n?" 

You nod your head, "Okay Miss y/n. Your foot is broken in three different places. You will be in a cast for three months, a boot for three, and on crutches the entire time. You'll also need a lot of physical therapy." Doctor Junseo explains. 

You groan internally, "Do you live with anyone Miss y/n?" Doctor Junseo asks, looking at Jin. 

You shake your head no, "Well, Miss y/n you are going to need to live with someone until you can walk again which will be for 6 months. You might have to move in with him." He refers, looking at Jin. 

"I'll talk to management jagiya, it's okay." Jin whispers

Doctor Junseo clears his voice, "Okay, I'll have one of the nurses put a cast on, teach you how to use crutches and you will be on your way." 

"Don't worry Jagiya. I'll take care of you." Jin says and kiss you on cheek as the nurse comes in.

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