Spy Part 1?- Jinjin

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Word count- 3.4k 

Italics- flashbacks

"Jinjin. Seriously. There's bad ideas, 'let's invade Russia in winter' type ideas, and then there are your ideas. So no. Thanks. Though." This child will be the death of you...

You and Jinjin had been partners in the force for over 5 years now. He was the same age as you but you had been a trainee longer than him. He started when he was 13 while you started when you were 12. You got the minimum education the government required and the rest was combat training. Your specialty, guns. Jinjin's specialty? The art of distraction and hand to hand combat. But mainly distraction. The two if you worked perfectly together. You would go into a mission. Everything planned out. Jinjin would distract, you would kill.

But Jinjin couldn't kill.

He hated it.

No matter the evil. No matter how much training he had.

He just couldn't kill.

So it was always left to you. Jinjin could and would easily beat someone to a bloody pulp. But he would never kill them. That was left to you and your guns.

"Y/n ah. Trust me." Jinjin pleaded.

"I am sitting in room with a sniper and I almost have a shot and you want me to give myself up? You know they use partners against each other. Especially when they're like us."

Jinjin looks at you with puppy eyes, "Please trust me y/n. You know i wouldn't do anything to harm you."

You roll your eyes, "What so you wanting to give me up to a cocaine kingpin isn't putting me in harms way. OH I SEE HOW IT IS."

"I know I know it sounds terrible. But trust me on this one y/n. Please." Jinjin begs

"Do you need to meet my pistol again? Cause last time you got pistol whipped you broke your nose. Now, you don't wanna hurt that pretty little face of yours. So shut up. And let me do my job that the government pays me to do." You retort. "Kill people." You can feel Jinjins eyes burning into the back of your head. You radio to headquarters, "y/l/n. I have a clear shot. Do i take the eagle down?"

"Y/l/n. Take down the eagle."

You look in your scope one last time, lining it up, setting your focus on the eagle. You hold your breath and with one light touch of the trigger, a bullet ejects its self from the barrel. You hear shattered glass and cursing. And surprisingly cursing behind you.

"GOD DAMN IT Y/L/N." Jinjin screams. "WHY CANT YOU JUST LISTEN FOR ME FOR ONCE!" Clearly pissed off at your actions

"HQ said to take the shot so I took it. I am trained to kill Jinjin. Not to take orders from a partner who wants to give me up and could be double crossing me." You tell him sitting up from where you were lying against the sniper."


"Wait. You're friends with the Eagle? That goes against everything we stand for."

"I was best friends with him. And his name isnt the Eagle. It's Park Minhyuk. We were childhood best friends. He applied to the agency with me. I made it. He didn't. Since then, his life has gone down hill. He got into the drug business at 13 and worked his way up to kingpin. I stopped talking to him after I joined the agency. But y/n ah he was my childhood best friend and you just killed him." Jinjin explains a with few tears running down his face.

"Jinjin ah. You know I'm not an emotional person, I'm sorry. But I do what I have to do. And what I have to is murder people regardless of who they are. Jinjin. I've never told anyone this but remember code name 'Princess'?" You inquire. Jinjin nods his head. "That was my sister." His eyes go wide and jaw drops.

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