3 The good Morning

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The next morning I woke up and walked into the kitchen. As I passed I looked into the living room and saw Steve and Sam crashed out on the floor around Bucky. I continued into the kitchen. I started a pot of coffee and got some eggs and a pack of bacon and walked to the stove. 

As I started cooking I had a weird feeling that I was being watched. Right before I turned around I was slammed into the wall with a hand around my throat. I looked into the eyes of my attacker. They had Blue eyes with dark hair. I immediately knew it was Bucky. 

"Bucky." I chocked out.

He obviously didn't recognize me so I did the best thing I could thing of. I sucked n as much air as I could. Gripped his arm pulling my weight up and swung my feet out and kicked him in the chest. He flew back and I... I so gracefully fell on my back coughing up a storm. Sam and Steve ran in and saw me and Bucky on the floor with me coughing. Bucky stood and started walking over to me.

"Buck." Steve said softly.

Bucky stop walking and looked at Steve.

"It's Shel remember?" 

Bucky looked at me as if trying to remember but couldn't find the memory. I slowly stood not taking my eyes off of him. 

"You don't have to remember right away." I said.

"Erin are you okay?" Asked Sam.

"Yeah. It's not the first time that has happened." 

All three of them looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"I was in the air-force doing top secret assiments I was bound to get held by my throat." I said simply.

"You went into the military?" Asked Steve.

"Yeah I have you two to thank for the idea." I said pointing at Steve and Bucky "If it wasn't for you two I would have never thought of joining the military.

"Whats your rank?" 

"Major. Major Erin Solano." I said. 



I walked over to the stove and turned it off. Pulling the burnt bacon and eggs of the stove. I looked at the boys. 

"Well ladies I hope you don't mind charcoal for breakfast." I said.

Sam and Steve chuckled taking a few pieces of bacon. I looked at Bucky and he was staring intently at me.

"You saved me and Steve in the ally. You pretended to be Steve's older sister." Bucky said all of a sudden.

Steve looked up from his bacon.

"Yeah and you never stayed out of a fight like I asked." I said.

"Your favorite color fire because you didn't want just one favorite color."


"You never like having short hair like all the other girls so you kept your hair long and in a braid." He said looking at me "You only let me and Steve call you Shel and you don't like gun so you prefer a bow or throwing daggers." 

"Yeah I guess I was a little different then."

"You were also Howard Stark's adoptive daughter."

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