18 A unknown Avenger

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After I told Bucky that he could sleep here I jumped into the shower. After I got out I slipped into a pair of sweat pants and a tank top that Nat lent me and I walked out of the bathroom.

I saw Bucky sitting on the bed looking at my phone as trying to figure it out. I chuckled at him and he looked up.

"I don't understand the technology today." He said inspecting the phone.

I sat next to him "Don't worry neither did I but Tony slowly introduced it to me so..."

I took the phone from his hands and opened the lock screen and handed it back to him. He looked at it in shock that I unlocked my phone for him to do anything he wants.

"I have nothing to hide so I don't see why I should lock you out of my phone." I said.

He looked at me and smiled. He looked back at the phone and locked it. He set it on the bedside table.

"I not one to invade some one's privacy." He said.

I laughed " Yeah because Sargent James Bucanan Barns is Mr. Goody two shoes."

I looked at him and he was trying to keep a straight face but was failing and broke into laughter along with me.

After we sobered I let out a yawn and Bucky smiled.

"Come on Shel let's go to bed."

I smiled and laid down next to him and fell in to a dreamless sleep.


I woke up  with my head on Bucky's shoulder. I quietly and walked out into the hallway. I was surprised that I didn't wake Bucky up. My skills would make Natasha proud.

I continued into the kitchen and started a lot of coffee. I started to rummage through the cabinets looking for food when I felt like I was being watched. I slowly walked to the counter and reached for the knives when a force hit me and I went flying  into the wall across the room.

I stayed still for a moment and I saw something blue coming towards me I quickly rolled out of the way and it ran into the wall.

I quickly stood and ran to the counter  and got the knife and looked at my attacker.

He had white hair and electric eyes. His was lightly tan and he wore a blue suit.

He slowly stood and looked me over. Without taking my eyes off him I moved towards the table because I knew Nat has a gun taped under there.

Apparently he new that too. He ran at me at top speed knocking me into one of the other walls. I quickly stood and he came at me again.

Timed slowed and I watched him run towards me. He pulled his arm back as if he was going to punch me.

When he got close enough I grabbed hold of his arm and twisted it into his shoulder. He immediately stopped and fell to the ground. He tried to fight but I would shove his hand deeper into his shoulder.

The Avengers took this time to come into the room.

"Whoa, Erin he's one of us." Said Tony

"Well he attacked me." I responded

"Kid, she's one of us." Tony said to my attacker.

I shot a glare in his direction.

"Shel let him go. Please." Said Steve.

I sighed and let go of his arm. I moved over to Bucky and glared at the boy. 

Wanda helped him up and looked over at me.

"Hi, I'm Pietro." He said

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