You Just Got Rejected

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Alexis POV:

At the end of the school day, I went straight to Kyle and Drake. I'm not really scared to ask him out. I mean it's just 6 simple words, will you go out with me? Easy. And if he does or doesn't I don't care.

When we got home, I ran upstairs and laid down on my bed. I'm so tired.

Knock Knock Knock.

"Come in!" I shouted.

"Hey, so what is it you need to tell me?" Drake asked.

I chuckled, "you really want to know that bad?" I asked him.

Drake nodded his head.

I took a deep breath and I couldn't say it! Man, this is hard.

"So, what is it?" Drake asked impatiently.

"Okay, I have a huge crush on you. Will you go out with me?" I asked him.

He had a disgusted look on his face. My heart was beating so fast.

"I'm sorry, we can't. I just..I just don't..I don't know.." Drake whispered to me.

I could feel tears in my eyes. I closed my eyes to hold back the tears.

I'm in the middle of getting rejected.

The one thing I never believed in.

And it's by my crush of ten years.

"It's okay, I understand. I mean, it's that sister-rule right? 'You can't date your best friends sister'" I told him.

"Um, well uh-, I'm sorry, but you're not my type." he told me.

That's when it hit me.

I fell on my knees, hands on my face, sobbing my life away.

I looked up and he was gone. I lost him. The love of my life rejected me.

And it hurts..

Rejection does hurt.

I continued to cry on my knees until I couldn't cry on anymore. Next thing you know, I'm on the floor, gasping for air..crying.

It was 7:00, by the time I finished crying. My mouth was all dry and so was my face. My nose and eyes were red, I looked like a total mess.

How can I be so stupid!? I really asked out Drake? I'm such a hypocrite!

My heart really is broken and no one can fix it. Except Drake.
Drake's POV:

I found out what Alexis needed to tell me. She has a huge crush on me and she asked me out. I try to put it the nicest way as possible, but she fell on her knees, hands on her face, sobbing away. Then I just walked away.

I'm such an asshole. Now she probably hates me, I should have said it nicer or just go out with her.

I left her in the floor crying when I should have comforted her.

Her heart really is broken and no one can fix it. Except me.

--A/N: I know this chapter was like the shortest thing in the world, but I wanted this chapter to be all about her rejection.

If you have any ideas that I can add to this chapter, that'll be awesome! I'd really appreciate it (: thank you.

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