He what!?

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Alexis' POV:

I'm so heartbroken now. I knew I shouldn't have fell too hard, I knew it! How could he do that to me? He said I was beautiful and then all of us sudden he's a jerk. I need to talk to him face-to-face.

I went in Kyle's room to ask him if he can drop me off to the mall. Of course, Kyle is making out with a girl on his bed.

"Go ask Drake." Kyle told me and went back kissing Danielle. Yeah, Danielle and Kyle are dating now. Players get anybody they want.

I sighed and went downstairs and saw Drake on the couch watching television. I sat next to him and tapped him.

"Can you drive me to the mall with Kyle's car, please?" I asked him politely.

"Why? Do you really want to see the douche, Brandon, again?" he asked me.

I nodded and puckered my lip. "Please drive me. I need to talk to him."

Drake had a scared look on his face. "Um, alright." he said and got up to get Kyle's car keys.

I went into the car. "I still think this is a bad idea, Lex." Drake told me while driving.

"I'll be fine, Drake." I smiled at him and went on my phone and re-read those messages Brandon sent me.

Drake shrugged his shoulders and continued to drive.

"What's wrong with that Melissa girl?" I asked him. She's been a real bitch to me lately, she never paid attention to me, but since I asked Drake out, she's been bothering me.

"Um, nothing, why?" he asked me.

"She just been bothering me a lot ever since..you know.." I said to him. I didn't want to bring up the rejection because that would be really awkward between the both of us.

Drake thought for a second. "Probably because she's my girlfriend." he looked at me.

"Oh." was all I said. The fact that she specifically said that Drake was her ex, so he obviously either asked her out or said yes to her if she asked him out.

We pulled up in front of the mall. "Thanks for the ride." I thanked him and got of the car. Drake waited until I got inside and drove away.

The first thing I did was wait on line to get another pretzel. I'm hungry! I saw Brandon and he smiled. I couldn't help but blush.

He told his boss that he's taking his break and rushed over to me. "Hey, sorry we couldn't talk about the date. I had a --" he began to say.

"Wait what?" I asked him. I was confused and he looked confused also.

"The date, remember?" he told me.

"Yeah, of course I remember, but I thought you canceled it." I said. I'm so confused right now.

"No, I didn't. When?" he asked me. He went on his phone and scrolled up to the texts.

I got my texts out first and showed him. He read the text messages and looked really confused.

"I swear on everything I love, I did not say that," he assured me.

For some reason, I believed him. I smiled. "Okay, I believe you. But who do you think could've done it?"

"There was this new employee yesterday, my phone was next to him, one minute, then it suddenly disappeared. Then he found it." Brandon told me.

"Who was it? What's his name?" I asked him.

"Um, Drake. Yeah, it was Drake." he said to me.

Well obviously, I thought it was my Drake. You know, the one I liked because that's the only one I know. Drake isn't like that though, he wouldn't ever do that.

"Do you have a picture of him?" I asked him.

Brandon nodded and he bought me to the section where all of employees are. "That's him." Brandon said and pointed to Drake. Guess what? It was my Drake.

"Him?" I asked him to make sure. Brandon nodded, "yeah. There was something weird about him."

"I know him." I told Brandon, "he was my old crush. He's my brothers best friend."

I can't believe it. It was Drake. Why would Drake do something like that to me.

"Oh wow. We have a video camera to make sure." he said.

"Show me the video." I told him and followed him where the tape was.

It showed us Drake slipping Brandon's phone in his pocket, and texting me in the bathroom, then dropping it on the floor.

My jaw was literally open. It really was him. Drake. My old crush. The one who broke my heart. Then fixed it. Then broke it again....

"I can't believe it." I said to Brandon.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding. And if you don't want to go out, I understand." Brandon said to me.

"No! I want to." I told Brandon and smiled.

"Sweet. So, um, let's go out for dinner maybe? Sound good?" Brandon said.

I smiled at him. "It's perfect." I gave him a hug, "and can I have a little surprise for Drake."

Brandon chuckled and I texted Drake to pick me up.

Drake pulled up in front of the mall.

"Hey, do you mind if Brandon comes with us? We made up." I told Drake and Brandon have him the evil eye.

"Uh, sure." Drake said unsurely and waited for us to buckle up. Brandon and I both sat in the back.

"Drake, guess what? We're going out for dinner tomorrow night. I was thinking maybe you want to come with us and take Melissa?" I asked Drake and smirked at Brandon, who smiled back.

"Sounds great." Drake told us.

--A/N: Oooh what is Alexis gonna do? Will she take it to far? Do you think Drake deserves what he is gonna get? Do you like Brandon? Brandon and Alexis? Or Alexis and Drake? Comment!

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