Everyone knows

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Alexis' POV:

Kyle, Drake and I walked to school today because something happened with Kyle's car or something. Drake and I were holding hands while walking and we gave each other smiles every now and then. It was so cute!

Even though Drake and I aren't official, I feel like I've been with him for a very long time.

We walked into the school and everyone was staring at me.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" I whispered into Drake's ear.

"No, they're not staring at you..they're staring at me." he replied and smiled. I nodded and headed to my locker.

"Hey, Chloe!" I greeted her and opened up my locker. No answer. I turned around and saw her staring at me with an angry look on her face.

"Chloe, you okay?" I asked her.

"What did you and Drake do at his house?" she asked me.

"I told you already, we just talked," I told her and closed my locker.

"Alexis, did he force you?" she asked.

How does she know about it?

"How did you find out?" I asked her.

"Everybody knows, Alexis!" she exclaimed.

How could everyone find out so fast?

"Oh my god.." I could feel tears coming out of my eyes so I went to go sit down.

Chloe came and sat next to me. "Alexis, it's going to be okay. Who cares if everyone knows? Everybody does it anyways."

Kyle walked towards me with a very angry expression on his face.

"What's this you and Drake having sex rumor about?!" he exclaimed.

I shivered in fear and I knew I was about to cry a lot more.

"Kyle, calm down. She made a mistake," Chloe said trying to cool down Kyle.

"Alexis, you just turned fifteen 5 months ago. Why are you having sex so young?" he asked me.

"Drake said it doesn't matter about the age," I informed him.

"Who gives a damn about what Drake said? Drake is about to turn 18 in four months! I'm so disappointed in you and I'm telling mom," he told me.

"Don't be such a snitch, Kyle! How many times have you done it and I never snitched on you!" I yelled at him.

He walked away angry and so did I. I bumped into Drake.

"Look, Alexis, I'm so-" he began until I cut him off.

"I asked you not to tell anyone," I said, "that was the only thing I asked!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for everyone to find out! I only told Jake," he said.

I ran out the building to go home. I opened my house door and cried and cried on the floor. I got a text from Kyle:

Kyle: where are u? Im looking for u all over and the bell is about to ring. I need to talk to you.

I didn't reply to his message until he called me.

"Alexis, where are you?!" he shouted through the phone.

"I'm at home," I told him.

"You ditched?!" he asked me.

"Yes! Just let me stay home, please!" I begged him.

"We need to talk about what happened," he said.

"What's there to talk about?" I asked.

"What happened at his house?" he asked me.

"Nothing! After you left, we went upstairs and had sex. That's it!" I explained.

I heard the bell ring.

"Whatever, Alexis. Just wait until I get home." he warned me and hung up.

I slid on the floor with my hands on my face.

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