Phone Stealing

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Drake's POV:

After we dropped Alexis and Chloe back to Kyle's house, I left their house to go back to the mall. I'm going to go get a job at that Pretzel Shop.

I asked for a job and they gave it to me. This is great. Now I have to go find that Brandon kid.

"Hey, is there a guy named Brandon that works here?" I asked one of the other employees.

"Yeah, he just left about 2 hours ago. He works every weekdays from 3:00 - 4:00 PM." one of the employees told me.

"Great. Thanks a lot." I thanked them and continued to work.

**Next Day**

I went home with Alexis and Drake as usual and Alexis would non-stop talk about Brandon.

"Oh my gosh! Brandon asked me out on a date!" she exclaimed and did a little happy dance in the car.

"What?!" Kyle and I yelled at the same time and turned around. She gave us a sweet smile and showed us her phone.

"I can't wait!" she enthusiastically said. She wouldn't stop smiling. The more happy she was, the more angry I was. I can't possibly like her!

We got to their house and I asked Kyle if I can borrow his car to go to work. Kyle let me use it and drove to the mall.

I put on my uniform and saw Brandon. I walked up to him and he gave me a weird look.

"You new here?" he asked me while putting on his apron. Well no duh! I thought to myself.

"Uh, yeah. I got the job yesterday." I told him.

I saw his phone on the counter and when he wasn't looking, I snatched it and put it in my pocket, then went to the bathroom.

This guy is so stupid, he didn't put a passcode. I went through his text message and read the whole thing. Him and Alexis were flirting like crazy!

I began texting Alexis and this is how our conversation went:

Brandon [Drake] : hey :)

Alexis: hi haha!

Brandon [Drake]: what's up?

Alexis: oh nothing much, just hanging out with my brother.

Brandon [Drake]: cool. and about the date...

Alexis: yeah! Where do you want to go?

Brandon [Drake]: um. I wanna cancel it :/

Alexis: aww :( why?

Brandon [Drake]: I can't be seen with you.

Alexis: what do you mean?

Brandon [Drake]: you're ugly, annoying and you smell bad. I can't ruin my reputation.

Alexis: k bye.

I turned off his phone and put it back in my pocket and got to work.

I saw Brandon and I immediately panicked, so I dropped his phone on the floor.


I walked passed it as if nothing happened and made some pretzels. Brandon came up to me.

"Hey, have you seen my phone? I've been looking for it all over the place." Brandon asked me.

"Um. What kind of phone is it?" I asked him.

"It's an iPhone4s." he told me.

"Is that it on the floor over there?" I asked him and pointed to where the phone was.

"Oh yeah it is. Thanks bro." he said and walked over to pick the phone up.

My eyes shot up as soon as I realized... I never deleted the messages...

I ran to my boss, "I quit!" I shouted then ran out.

I drove back home to Kyle's house in panic. I got to his house in 8 minutes.

I walked inside and saw Alexis crying on the couch next to Kyle.

"Lexi, what happened?" I asked her even though I obviously knew.

"Br- Bran-Brandon s-said I'm ugly." she managed to get between the sobs. Kyle handed me her phone and I read what I sent her.

"Aw, don't worry. You're not ugly, or annoying and you smell good!" I told her.

She smiled at me and nodded her head, "thanks."

"C'mon, let's go get you some ice cream." I said. She got up and we all left the house and went into Kyle's car.

We talked for a little while and made some jokes.

"Hey, what's your job anyways?" Alexis asked me.

"Oh haha, I quit today." I tried to not answer her question and chuckled.

She smiled and blushed. I think she still likes me! Yes!


--A/N: I hope you like this chapter! Now you guys saw another side of Drake!

Will Alexis find out it was really Drake?

Thank you Loves_A_Lot for the idea! :)

If you have any ideas.. Comment please!

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