Chapter 1- save me from my parents

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Chapter 1-Sam's P.O.V

"We'll open up your mind and see like me, open up your plans and damn you're free" I sang peacefully to myself along with my I pod as Jason Mraz Im yours played through my ears from my head phones. So quiet that the sound of my pattering footsteps muffled my words away.

A few splatters of water fell onto the end of my nose, my horrible pointy nose ugh! I looked up at the sky and noticed a few more droplets fall onto my face from above. why does it always rain when I go for a jog? oh well I like the rain.

Samantha Freeman, that's my name, the name my real parents gave me, before they left.... I'm not sure why they left, or who they are what they look like, not even a simple name.

Call me Sam though, that's how I like it. Sam,plain and simple Sam, not girly Samantha or stuck up Samantha, just simple and plain old Sam, that's me.

Australia used to be way warmer than this, it hardly ever rained over there. America is pretty warm most of the time but lately it's just been miserable!

I'm not actually Australian or American, I'm British but I was raised over in Australia. By my foster mum and dad, Sandra and Paul. they are okay I guess, they're not what you would call mean to me but that's only because they ignore me half of the time. they don't care about me like thy care about Jake their own child.

He is theirs, their own flesh and blood, unlike me! I was taken in by them 3 days after I was born, I was whisked away with them to Australia, just like my sister, my twin sister Alice.

Sandra and Paul didn't even think to tell me about her until I was six! they didn't think to tell me about my other half, about the fact that she was also In Australia about two miles away! within walking distance!

Of course when they did tell me I was so happy, overwhelmed in fact, I had real family so close to me, and I never even knew, it was like I thought I was alone I thought my life was boring but then I would have family, my actual family and a whole new part of my life waiting for me.

We grew up together after that we spent all of our time together, singing, dancing, messing around. sticking by each other no matter what! through all the bullying she faced, I was there, and through all of my problems she was there with me and we promised that no matter what we would stay together.

"Even if you end up across the world from me we will somehow get back together" she said to me, we didn't actually think if would happen though...

Two years ago everything changed, Sandra didn't agree with me spending so much time so close to Alice, she made up stupid excuses about the bad influences her family brought towards me.

you see Alice's parents they aren't like all parents, she has two mums, that's why they adopted her yeah they actually adopted ,her they actually cared about her, unlike Sandra and Paul!

So after she discussed it with Paul they agreed to bring me here, all the way to America, far away from her family far away from all the things I actually cared about! that wasn't really the thing that a 16 year old girl wants!

Of course I still have contact with Alice, secretly... her parents know,Sara and Leah,they keep it a secret as well. they were so nice to me treated me like I was part of the family, the thing I never really had before them...

We Skype call at least once a week, and we text all of the time and chat on Facebook when I get the time, I'm always busy though but I try my best to make time for her, she is more important to me than anything.

The only night I actually have completely free is a Sunday, I have a pretty busy life with all of my sports and activities.

Monday I have football practice in the afternoon after going to the gym.Tuesdays I have dance, Wednesdays I have netball and then I go to the gym, Thursdays I play girls rugby and then I have to go train for track ( which isn't the best because I'm usually all tattered from rugby). Friday I head to the gym in the morning as well as the afternoon because work doesn't start until lunch on Fridays, after work I go swimming until late and then I head over to the gym again before it closes.

Saturdays Is the most busy, it's hectic trying to be organised enough, to fit it all in. I have track again and then normally a rugby match then I have to travel all the way back from the match to go to football and then I have night shifts at work witch goes all the way into Sunday morning, which mean all of Sunday morning I'm sleeping and don't talk to Alice until the afternoon!

All of it cost quite a lot of money, Sandra and Paul pay for it, so I'm grateful that they at least do that for me, probably just to get me out of the house most of the time!

I moved out at least three months ago now, I'm surprised they still pay for it for me, I could never get the money to pay for it, not even though I work almost everyday other than Sunday and I still wouldn't have enough after a year of saving to pay for it all!

Tesco isn't the best paying job you could have, and my boss Laura recently cut my wages down because of the amount of workers they have to pay now.

I live by my self in a small one room flat, yes! one flipping room! that's what I said you didn't get confused and I didn't make a mistake I'm being serious, I have a small stove and a microwave, the smallest fridge and I don't even own a freezer! all stuffed into a tiny corner that I can only just fit into, I only have three cupboards to fit all the food into and everything else like cups and plates!

Then in the same room I have a box television with around 25 channels, no music channels at all! I have one couch that is basically ripped into pieces now. that's it! I have a really small bed but I'm lucky that I curl into a ball when I sleep so it's fine, we'll not fine but better I guess.

On an optimistic note... I have been saving up now for a while, I'm not sure how long exactly, but enough to fill my saving jar! why am I saving might you be thinking....?

LONDON! I want to go back to London where I was born, were I feel like I belong, although I haven't even been there since I was only 3 days old!

I would have to leave my sports behind and find a new job In London, and given the amount of money I actually have, after taking away prices of flights and all of the stuff I won't be able to take with me, I would only be left with enough for another flat like this... but it's worth it!

"Owch!" I yelped out as I full pelted into a tree in my tracks, I had been so distracted thinking about London I hadn't realised how much it was raining, and obviously I was so deep in thought I hadn't noticed the tree either.

I checked the time on my watch that was now covered in rain drops, 5 in the afternoon! Damn I was distracted, I would usually be talking to Alice by now, after all it was a Sunday!

I turned up the volume of the music that beat through my ear drums.

"You are the only exception" started to play by paramore, happy with the song playing I began to make my way Back to my flat...well my room I guess.

I hope Alice doesn't think I forgot, I said I would call her on Skype at 4!

AUTHORS NOTE- Sorry it's rubbish, but its only just getting started and this is only Sams point of view,

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