Chapter 15-save me from louis kidnapping me!

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93 million miles from the sun, people get ready get ready cause here it comes its a light a beautiful light over the horizon into her eyes, oh my my how beautiful, oh my beautiful mother she told me son in life your gonna go far if you do it right you'll love where you are, just know wherever you go you an always come home!

Jason Mraz played through one of the radio channels. as we continued to drive down a few more spindly roads.

" I feel so bad because you had to move, I'm sorry you were probably all settled in the old flat and I ruined it all" I pointed out as we stopped at a traffic light.

"It's not your fault it's Callums! and trust me I like this house more than the flat" he laughed with a grin on his face.

"But if I hadn't of trusted Callum then-" I started but Louis cut me off.

"Then you probably wouldn't be moving in with me right now" he finished.

"Yeah but-"

"Hush!" he laughed and took his hand off the wheel for a second and placed his hand on my face. I licked the palm of his hand making him pull away.

"Yuck you licked me!" he squealed.

"Yes I did!" I said proudly. he put his hand back on the steering wheel

"Ew now there's all your slobber on the steering wheel!" he said in disgust. I couldn't help it, I started laughing and I couldn't stop.

"We are here!" he shouted making me jump out of my skin. "Sorry" he quickly apologised climbing out of the car and coming round to help me out.

My mouth dropped to the floor as I saw the house for the first time. it's drive was massive filled with two other cars other than louis,one black and one silver when Louis was red. the pathway led up to a blue painted door surrounded by bricks neatly stacked and pasted into a beautiful elegant house at least three stories high.

"Come one don't sand there gawping at it come inside!" he said picking my up bridal style and running towards the blue door.

He put a key from his pocket into the lock opening it inwards, then we were In quite a long porch, lots of shoes and hats, coats scarfs and loads more. he turned to the side so my legs dangling over his arms didn't knock over anything on the way through, he opened the next door and we were in the house properly.

The floor was a light shiny shade of wood. the cupboards and shelves along the wall were painted a creamy peach colour which went perfectly with the white painted wall. On the opposite side of the wide hall way was a white banister with shoes underneath its arch. the banister supported the set on steep steps which were now in my vision.

There were four door ways with white painted doors and silver metal handles on them.

"Kitchen!" Louis said walking over to the first door and opening it, behind the door was possibly the biggest kitchen I had ever seen. The floor was tiled black and white squares like a chess board and the cupboards were a dark black with a silver lining on the all, there was an island table with a breakfast bar, lower cupboards and a sink. The blind was close so I could not see out of the window.

Louis closed the door again and moved on to the next one, "first bathroom!" he announced opening the door to reveal a toilet and a sink.

The next room was a lounge room with the biggest tv and electric fire, there was two big red couches and two singles on the edges, the was a small table in the corner by the window.

The final down stairs room was a similar room but with a smaller tv and a long wooden table. "this is were we eating we have special guests" Louis said in a posh accent making me laugh. "but that's hardly ever and we just eat in the lounge" he finished in his usual voice.

"Okay" I nodded, I was still in his arms when he walked up the fist set of stairs, on the way up I looked at the photos in frames of all the boys some of them were obviously older as they had differed hair styles.

"2nd floor" he continued trying to ignore the Loud voices of Harry and Liam in one of the rooms and Nialls guitar on what sounded like the floor above.

"Liam's room is the first" he said opening the first door, every single thing in that room was in place, nothing was out of place and nothing was on the floor. I would have known it was Liam's even if Louis hadn't said, and the batman and toy story items gave it away as well.

"Next is zayn, but he's probably asleep so you don't want to go in there. so we moved onto the third door which was further down the corridor.

"This is the spare room! he pointed towards the one beside zayns, that can be Alice's! there's nothing much in there at the moment.

"Next is another bathroom" he pointed to the next door which was light blue unlike the other white ones.

"That one has a shower as well" he stated.

We moved round the corner which was Harry's room and beside that was the next set of steps. we walked up them, well when I say we I mean Louis walked and carried me. "this is the games room, ill show you that later" he said pointing past the wooden cupboard on the wall. "oh and that's a cupboard for random stuff if you somehow run out of room" he said looking back at the cupboard.

The next room was Louis, which consisted of band posters and a key board, some movies stacked in the corner, after shaved and body sprays on a shelf and a lot of random stuff on the floor and sides. I noticed all of the bedrooms have en suits! how is that even possible?

"And this last one is yours, right near mine!" he smirked taking me in and placing me on the bed, the bed covers were white as were the walls the cupboard in the corer was empty and open, the many shelves on the side were clear and the curtains were normal and average. there was an open door which lead to an en suit!

"I know it looks boring but we took out all of the old stuff in here to make room for your stuff. we can take you to your old flat to get your stuff and bring it over, then we have some serious decorating to do" he said excitedly jumping on the bed like a child.

"Niall is opposite you and me!" he finished "and that is our very large house that I am kidnapping you and keeping you in for the rest of your life!" he pretended to sound evil but sounded like he had a really sore throat or an odd cold. I couldn't stay here forever though, I would have to leave him at somepoint, wouldn't I?

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