Chapter 36-save me from these feelings

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I awoke in my bunk because someone was tapping me on the shoulder gently. I turned around and squinted my eyes too see a bundle of red hair in front of me.

"Morning Tomlinson" she whispered quietly. "I made you coffee, you've gotta get up now, sound check at the first venue" she smiled, she looked adorable this morning. her blue eyes were all glassy and sparking in the sunlight, her hair was flowing wavy and natural, she had no make up on meaning you could clearly see more of her freckles spread across her face.

"Thanks Sammy" I smiled sitting up so I could take the warm mug from her hands. "Do you wanna come today?" I questioned her.

"I'd rather it be a surprise for tonight" she smiled cutely. "I put all of your shoes away in the stacks, so it should be easier to find all of your clothes now." She told me, why was she so kind?

"You didn't have to do that, but thanks!" I smiled into my coffee, the steam was making my face feel warm. "mmmmmmm" I mumbled.

"Well I'm gonna go and get dressed so I can go mooch around the town" she told me turning around and heading away.

"Wait!" I called making her turn around to face me. "Don't wear to much make up today, you look cuter with all if your freckles" I told her.

"I wasn't planning on it" she informed me before turning back and heading towards her bunk for clothes. "and be careful in the town" I warned her. 



she looked so vunerable walking all alone in the town, in her denim skater skirt and white tank top, i followd her through all of the shops and she didnt even notice anything was going on, but i cant make a move yet, it would be to obvious i have to wait a bit longer and then i will get her back. 



we all ran off the stage covered in sweat huffing and puffing. 

"you were amazing !" sam exclaimed jumping up and down "and thats something comming from me i dont usually listen to this kind of stuff but it was absolutely amazing!" she kept babblibg on about how much she liked it the whole way back to the tour bus. 

"we are off to bed!" liam announced "early morning tomorow" all of us moaned and got into our bunks burrowing into our quilts. i headed to the bathroom shortly after everyone had fallen asleep, i needed a shower and i knew i wouldnt want to wait for the others in the morning as thet all take so fricking long in there.

i locked the door and turned on the shower waiting for it to heat up before climbing in and lettig the hot water was my skin. 


I heard louis getting u and headed to the bathroom, i just couldnt sleep, i sat up on my bunk which was above louis' and turned on the small lamp beside me and pulled out my song book from my bag which was previously hanging off the side. i took out the pen which was hidden and tucked away in the binding and clicked it open, from there the lyrics just started to flow from my mind to the paper. i accompanied the lyrics i had written so far with chords for the guitar, i had no clue what it would sound like and i guess i woukd never find out, i could always ask alice to play them for me, but i couldnt show her the lyrics. no way i wouldnt show the lyrics to anyone. 

i was about to switch off the lamp when i saw louis walk in in his boxers his hair was all wet and matted to his face. "hey sam what are you doing awake?" he whispered rubbing his hair with the towel trying to dry it off a bit.  

"i couldnt sleep" i replied quietly, i started to pack away all of my stuff. 

"Wait what are you writing?" he asked taking a piece of paper, luckily it didnt have any lyrics on it just the music. "you write music, what else havent you been telling me?" he laughed under his breath trying to keep as quiet as he could, even though our part of the bunk was in a seperate room of the bus than all of the others and the door was closed.  he sat leaning against the bunks with the paper gripped in his hand his eyes scanning over them. "you know, i dont know much about guitars, but this seems really good why dont you give it to someone to play?" he asked. 

"i dunt know" i sighed climbing down and sitting beside him. 

"your really talented you know" he said causing me to blush deeply i looked away trying to hide it. 

"and funny" he continued i looked away even more. 

"and beautiful, your well...." he stopped, i turned my head to look at him, i noticed straight way he had become closer to me. i looked up into his blue eyes as they glistened, droplets fell from his hair and onto his face. why wasnt i moving away?


"and beautiful,your well..." i stopped as she turned to look at me, i moved closer to her face looking into her beautul green eyes, her eyelashes fluttered and a small smile was cheekily placed on her lips. 

"your perfect" i finished moving even closer, "and maybe im crazy saying this so soon but, im in love with you samantha" i said crashing my lips onto hers, i thought she might of pulled away but instead she responded almost instantly, placing her hand at the back of my neck twirling with my hair. 

"and all of my little things?" she asked as she pulled away for a second.

"and all of your little things" i confirmed pressing my lips to hers again. 

"sam its okay if its to soon but, will you be my girlfriend?" i asked

"of course, now kiss me again" she laughed moving in closer.

A/N i aware that i probably keep changig the colour of her eyes, they are green from now on :) sorry its short but the next chapter skips ahead in time so yeah ;)

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