Secrets Revealed

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xoxox Broken_girl 

The time Ava had spent in the hospital waiting room under watch of the elderly security guard was starting to grow irritating. The nurse had warned her that she had been lucky the police hadn't been called. Ava had shrugged her off. The security guard had mearly shook his head when he was assigned to babysitting duty. He sat across from her, resting his elbows on his knees with his hands clasped together, every once in a while he would look up from the floor to make sure she was still there. Ava rubbed her now red and puffy eyes, it had taken her a good twenty minutes to calm herself down enough to stop the tears. She now only felt one emotion: dread. Her mother was on her way to come and get her. More dread washed over her as she realized that she would be going back to school tomorrow to face everyone; including Damian. 

The secuirty guard got up and paced for a moment before making his way to the vending machine. Ava looked away but could still hear him put in his change and select his choice of goody. When she saw the toe of his boots next to her chair she looked up to find his arm extended towards her with a chocolate bar in his hand. When she hesitated to take it, he gave her a reassuring nod. He returned to his seat as she unwrapped the candy, her mouth was already watering, she'd lost her other candy bar somewhere and was still starving. 

"So." He murmured from under a salt and pepper moustache. Ava took a bite as if to say she wasn't interested in talking. "I'm sorry about you're father." 

Ava nodded and viciously took another chomp. She hated when people apologized about her father, the only person who should have apologized should be the drunk driver. She didn't need their sympathy. 

He cleared his throat and started again. "It gets easier, ya know, eventually you'll just become accustom to him being this way. Soon, you can take him home. You'll see." A small grin pulled at his lips. 

A small sarcastic laugh came from Ava. "Easier? My father is paralysed and has been pronounced brain dead. Yes, let's say that we take him home, then what? My mother won't be home to take care of him, she'll be out cheating on him like she has been for God knows how long. Then I guess there's me, I'm sixteen I have to go to school I can't look after him, so we hire a care giver for him. Do you want to know what happens after we hire this person? We struggle to make ends meet, my mother will drive deeper into her love affairs and maybe even relapse and start drinking again."

His eyes grew sympathetic as he watched Ava sprout another tear and wipe it away quickly. He pondered over what he could say to her that would renew her hope. "I understand-"

"No." Ava interjected. "You don't understand, everyone seems to think I'm some fragile little girl who is too naive to realize what is going on. But I do. I know about my parents marriage falling apart, I know about the divorce, I know about my mother's affair and that she used to have a drinking problem. I even know that the man lying in that bed upstairs is not my birth father. Everyone doesn't realize that I've secretly known most of this all along, I just ignored the signs until now..." 

Another tear fell down her face. She had admitted it. She knew that her parents marriage was in trouble, they had spent most of her life fighting, and barely saw each other before the accident. Ava knew her mother had a drinking problem, she had been going to meetings since Ava was a toddler, after a long day Ava could remember the smell on her breath as she left a lipstick stain on her cheek. As much as she tried to deny her mother's affair she knew that her dad wasn't the only man in Julianne's life, the late nights "working" or the nights she didn't come home at all gave it away. Finally there was Martin and John, it shouldn't have been a surprise, Ava looked nothing like Martin; yet when she met John a few hours earlier the puzzle pieces fell into a perfect picture. She had now decided to accept that this was reality and to let fate move as it may. 

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