Misjudging Damian

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My Lovelies!! It's update time! 

Firstly I would like to dedicate this chapter to username Littl_Dreamer! All the comments this user has left of my chapters has made me laugh over the past couple of days! I also want to thank all of you for your continued support! My love to you all. Happy reading!


Damian... Sweet Damian. Ava couldn't stop staring at him as he released his mother. She was kicking herself already for not running over there and smothering him in a kiss.  But how could she? After all that was said, those words could never be taken back, she had screamed them out of her mouth and into the atmosphere. They now simply floated around probably tormenting Damian. She missed him, just as she had missed Madison, but there was something about Damian she missed more. maybe it was his sweet and tender nature, or maybe it was the fact that he was the only person to put effort into trying to be a part of her life. Either way all Ava knew was that she missed him. 

"What are you waiting for?" Madison chirped playfully shoving her elbow into Ava's ribs. Ava lapsed out of her thoughts and back into the real world, where Damian was walking away from his mother and towards the school. Madison gave her a knowing look. "Go. You'll regret it if you don't."

Ava shot her best friend a grin and fixed her backpack on her shoulders as she fought through the crowd to find Damian. She called his name but he never turned around, she paced on through the muddled group. She was so close now. She snaked her hands in between two students. Her fingertips brushing over the sleeve of his jacket. Then suddenly the ground bit the edge of her sandal and she tumbled forward. The kids in front of her darted out of her way. She closed her eyes for impact with the hard ground, only to feel something softer than the ground, it expelled a soft 'oof' as her body came to a halt. When Ava opened her eyes she saw no one other than Damian lying beneath her staring straight up at her. That perfect face... Those eyes so full of compassion... And those lips that had once pressed against hers and felt so right.

She didn't hesitate. She leaned her head down until her lips mashed against his in a perfect harmony, like they had rehearsed this kiss a thousand times before. Her lips moved against his and his responded instantly with a hot fire of desire. Damian was kissing her back. There was something about the kisses she shared with Damian that had been different than any other. Truly, Ava had only kissed two other boys, one in seventh grade on a dare who had braces that chewed at her lips, and a boy in highschool who had been drunk at a party, who's breath tasted like a brewery. But Damian was different, in more ways than just how he kissed but how he made Ava feel when they did kiss. She no longer worried about her weight and about how ugly she would feel if he stared at her for too long, his eyes showed nothing other than a unspoken love for her. 

Ava and Damian's lips continued to dance against each other until Ava broke off to catch her breath. "Uh, hi." She mumbled in between ragged breaths. 

He laughed. "Hi."

She gnawed at her bottom lip her eyes never leaving his. "I'm sorry about the other day. I know it sounds like an excuse but I'm...I'm struggling with this. I'm not okay." 

Damian's brilliant smile vanished and his eyes softened. He found her lips again, this time was softer and more caring, less hot and heavy than the last. He spoke against her lips. "I know." She opened her mouth to speak again only to have Damian force his lips back on hers and silence her with a sweet kiss. He broke it off and stared into her eyes. "I know you weren't being you the other day. The way you spoke to me it was like you were someone else. I didn't know what to think. At first I was so mad- maybe mad isn't the right word. I was so hurt that I felt angry. I thought I had done something, I thought it was my fault."

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