It's Just A Chat

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My sweet beautiful little lovelies!! 

Here's another update! Happy reading! 

-Broken_ girl xoxo

Homework had been stacking up over the last few weeks and the teachers at school were beginning to be less lenient with Ava about "taking her time with assignments." Julianne had laid down the law that tonight was catch-up night and that if it wasn't finished tonight she would have to stay home every night after school until it was finished. Ava wasn't taking that chance; her new found relationship with Damian was too precious to squander. So homework it was, surprisingly it had only taken her about four and half hours to finish up all her assignments and stack them all on the corner of her dresser to take to school and hand in the next day. She felt somewhat accomplished until she opened her bedroom door to head down stairs when she heard voices. 

One she could distinctly pick out as her mother. The other was familiar but she couldn't narrow in on who the voice belonged to. She leaned her ear just outside the door, straining to understand what was being said.  It sounded like a male voice. Ava's heart suddenly dropped from in between her ribs to her feet. John. It was John's voice. 

No. No. No. She didn't want this. No. Things were going so well lately; her life had a sense of normalcy again. Things were returning to normal, things were going so well she had forgotten all about her long lost father. 

"Ava?" Julianne's singsong voice floated up the stairs. "Sweetheart would you come down here?" 

"I don't want to speak to him!" She screamed back before spinning on her heels and retreating to the sanctity of her bedroom. She was satisfied with herself once she slammed the door and drowned out her mother's harsh toned reply. 

But Ava didn't care about the trouble she would be in later, all she cared about was staying away from John and clinging to that faint idea that Martin was the man who raised her, Martin was more of a father than John could ever dream. Ever since the truth came out Ava had felt a bitterness towards John that no amount sweet chocolate could counter. He didn't want her. He didn't want her or her mother once he found out. 

She flopped onto her bed letting out a broken sob as she pulled her pillow against her chest. She cried until the voices downstairs faded and her eyes fell shut.

*  *  *

There was a soft knock on her door. Ava was awake but she had been laying in bed long enough she knew she had missed the bus and that the first bell had already rang. Confrontation was what waited behind the door. She ignored the knocking and rolled over. Louder raps came at the door until finally it opened. "I know you're awake. I'm your mother, we have the ability to know when our children aren't sleeping."

Ava rolled to face her mother and grimaced at her. "I'm not going to school." 

Julianne straightened the comforter on the bed and sat neatly on it. "I noticed that." Her voice had a sharp edge to it this morning. 

"And I don't want to see John ever again." 

Julianne pursed her cherry lips. "He's your-"

"Don't you dare say it!" Ava hissed throwing her pillow at her mother. Julianne attempted to dodge the incoming pillow but it still managed to hit the side of her head. 

"What's with you?!" Julianne snapped as she patted her hair back into place. "You're not acting like yourself lately!" 

Ava pulled the comforter over her head and grumbled: "Maybe this is the new me." 

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