There's a hero among us

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****** Sorry this update is pretty short too. I just got home from Mexico though so.... that's my excuse lol. Please comment + rate and please enjoy! Thanks for reading and supporting. I'll upload when I can and I'm hoping the next one will be longer and more detailed. Sorry :(

Thanks guys!

Yours Truely,

Broken_girl </3*********

The whole weekend Ava was at the hospital asking the doctors questions, which they had no answers to. She sat by her father's bedside gently squeezing his hand and watching the heart monitor, she knew he was still alive. But at this particular moment she felt like he was dead. He wouldn't respond when she spoke, he didn't wipe away her tears, he didn't move.

Ava hadn't heard from Damien since she had told him her father was in a coma. The conversation had grown awkward after that, she could tell he was feeling uncomfortable with the situation; so Ava asked him to visit again giving him a lame excuse that she needed to cook dinner.

Ava's plump fist slammed down on her blaring alarm clock Monday morning. She did not want to get up; she didn't want to scavenge her closet for something to wear. She didn't want to see Bret's ugly mug this morning. She didn't want to face Damian after what happened when they met. Still, she mustered up the strength to rise from her bed and get ready. Her heart hammered in her chest as she sat at the kitchen table watching the clock. Her anticipation grew as the minute had moved closer to the top of the clock. She would have to leave. She would have to face the music.

She walked down the sidewalk with her hands shoved deep into her pockets. She swerved around the giant puddles, growing larger with every raindrop that fell from the clouded sky. Ava reached behind her head and grabbed her hood, trying to shield her hair from the moisture; just as she did she saw Damian standing at the bus stop. Her heart sunk to her stomach. She hadn't considered that he would take the same bus. Great. She forced her feet to take another step.

"C'mon one step at a time. I can do this." She whispered under her breath as she drew closer to Damian. He looked up and saw her. Ava knew this was it.

"Hey Ava, how was your weekend?" He was just as friendly as he had been before. Giving her a big reassuring smile and staring straight at her face.

Ava looked down the road in front of her, wishing the bus would hurry up and come into view. "It was alright. Yours?" She asked keeping it brief and to the point.

His smile didn't fade. "It was great; we got pretty much all settled in. Mom's going to her new job as we speak, she's so excited and my dad is at home finishing up his office. I got to walk around town a little bit and see all the sights," His eyes were filled with wonder as he spoke; it reminded Ava of a toddler when they spoke about something they thought was amazing.

Ava nodded as he spoke, adding in friendly smiles whenever his face lit up a little more. "That's nice; well I'm really glad your first weekend here was good. I hope you like it at your new school. You won't have any problems fitting in," Ava really meant the last part. She knew that Damian would be really popular, he had a muscular body; probably into sports and stuff like that.

Damian laughed and lightly punched her arm. "Of course I will, I've pretty much made friends with the most popular girl in school!"

Ava stopped what she was doing. Her heart stopped, had he just said what she thought? He thought she was popular? She didn't know what to say, she just froze and stared at the concrete beneath her feet. The bus's breaks squealed as it stopped at the corner. Damian boarded and that was when Ava noticed Madison wasn't at the bus stop today. She wondered if she was sick. Ava pushed the thoughts of Madison out of her head; she was still a little worked up about their fight.

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