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Hey Fans!

Well here we are with another update, I am loving the feedback, you guys are the best. I love reading your comments that you leave. They put the biggest smile on my face. So here is the latest update to fAt girl. Uhm.. yea that’s all I got. Please enjoy and leave more comments, love you guys.

-Broken_girl xoxox

Home no longer felt safe to Ava, it felt like a place where she was at war. The peace that had once been found in every room was gone. It felt foreign. Nothing was the same. It was quiet; there was no laughter, no smiles, and no happiness. Ava felt on edge, nervous, and apprehensive when she was at home.

These feelings returned as she unlocked the front door and took off her coat. The eerie silence made her heart beat faster. She entered the kitchen and pulled the carton of orange juice out of the fridge. She looked for a glass in the cupboard, nothing. With a wiggle of her nose in frustration she noticed all the dishes in the sink. Plates, bowels, glasses and cutlery; some of which still had food residue on it, it was a disturbing sight.

Ava sighed and began to run some soapy water in the sink. She noticed another plate and coffee mug on the table. As she picked them up, she stopped, something had caught her eye.  Some paperwork; that was fanned out, across her mother’s spot at the table. Ava put down the dishes and started skim reading through the documents. Her eyes flicked back and forth across the pages, her heart began racing, her breathing was shallow and uneven. One sentence caught her eye:

State reason for termination of marriage in the following lines below.

Ava frozen, and ache formed in her chest and a lump grew in her throat. What? What does that even mean? She read on, as she took in the information she gathered a heart wrenching conclusion. Her mother was planning on ending the marriage with her father. Well at least the man Ava believed to be her father. Julianne was filing for a no-fault divorce, as Ava read her mother’s answers on the paperwork she suddenly understood. Julianne was claiming that the marriage between her and Martin was broken. Her statement said that she and Martin were no longer in love; they no longer felt the same way that had felt when they had got married.

Ava shook with anger. How could her mother do this? Martin was brain dead, that didn’t mean that he didn’t love her. It also didn’t mean that she couldn’t still love him. He was still her husband.

All these angry thoughts bounced through Ava’s head until her eyes saw the date filled out on the papers. She leaned back in the chair. Tears welled in her eyes. The date was the same date that Martin had got into his accident. The no longer loved each other. No wonder Julianne flirted with the neighbors, no wonder she always wanted to look good. She was beginning to consider herself single already. All the fighting and bickering that had gone on between them made sense now. Was this the reason for her father’s accident? Had her mother presented these papers to him? Maybe he wasn’t ready to give up on their marriage yet. Maybe he still loved her. Maybe… Just maybe it broke his heart. Maybe he was driving home and maybe he was thinking of things to say to her mother to change her mind. Maybe he was distracted and he didn’t see the drunk driver-

Suddenly, the house phone rang. Ava jumped, as it had startled her concentrated mind. She grabbed the phone in her hand and answered it.


“Hello…” The deep voice on the other end of the line said. The voice was rough, and raspy, like this person was sick and needed to clear their throat.

“Who is this?” Ava asked just as the person asked to speak to her mother. “She’s not home. Can I take a message?”

The voice paused, she could their breathing.

“Do you want to leave a message or not?” Ava asked irritated.

“Uh… no. That’s fine. Thank you for your time.”

“I didn’t catch your name.” Ava breathed quickly before they hung up.

“John. Just tell her John called.” The line went dead.

Ava studied the number on the caller I.D and wrote it down on a spare scrap of paper. Her heart pounded into her ribs. His name was John. The man’s name on her birth certificate was named John Greendale. This was not happening. This was insanity, who was this man who had just called? More questions and thought popped into Ava’s mind. Angry hot tears filled her eyes, as she dialed her mother’s cell phone number.

“Ava? What’s the matter, I’m busy.” Julianne’s soft voice asked. Ava strained to hear her through all the jumbled voices in the background. As she listened closer it became apparent to her there was also music.

“Where are you?”

“I’m at work.”

Ava sighed. “Mom, I know you’re not at work. I can hear the music, and all the people talking, plus it’s your early night. You’re normally home by now. Where are you?”

“Julianne, do you need me to go? We can always have dinner another time” A voice said in the background.

“Who was that?” Ava demanded.

“Nobody!” Julianne stammered, as she knew she was caught in a lie. “I have to go, don’t wait up for me. Goodbye Ava.”

Again the line went quiet. Ava hung up her phone. Her mother was out on a date, and Ava knew it.

Well there you have it readers. Please enjoy and wait for the next update :) Happy reading!

Yours truly,

Broken_girl xoxoxoxx

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