Change For The Better

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Change for the better.

Hello fans! I am very disappointed that I hadn't uploaded in such a long time. But I decided to try and get back into it. I apologize for the wait, and I hope you enjoy the upload! Thanks for your support :) I love you guys :) happy reading!

Yours truly,

-Broken_girl <\3


Brain dead. The word replayed itself over in Ava's head. Brain dead. Brain dead. Brain dead. The dreaded words haunted her thoughts. He father was brain dead. He was never going to be the same man. The man who would drive her to school when she missed the bus, promising it would be there little secret from her mother. The man who took her out for ice cream when she had a bad day. The man who used to read her bed time stories as a child. That was all gone now.

Ava stared into her closet. She had thought that dressing for school was hard, but now she wasn't too sure. Trying to find something to wear to the gym to work out in, was seeming to be the greater challenge of the day.

"Hurry up, Ava! I'm only waiting five more minutes for you! The cars already running! Quickly!" Julianne screeched up the stairs of the family home.

Ava grumbled and reached for the nearest pair of sweatpants and a plain t-shirt. She studied herself in the mirror briefly. Jeans concealed much better than sweatpants. With these on she felt even more embarrassed. But hopefully that would all change soon.

"Ava! I mean it! I'm getting into the car now!" her mother belted, opening the front door.

Ava scurried down the stairs and out to the car, which her mother was eagerly waiting in.

"My goodness! Could you have taken any longer? Never have I met somebody who took so long to choose something to wear!" Julianne scolded, in a harsh tone. Unaware of how ashamed it made her daughter feel. "Everyday it's the same thing, waiting on you to pick something out. Is it really that difficult? I don't seem to has that problem."

'Of course you don't.' Ava thought furiously. She stared at her mothers choice of clothes. A fun frilly skirt and a tight fit sweater. It showed off the small curves she had and emphasized the tiny shape of her body.

Envy came over Ava. If only her body were skinny and perfect. Then she would feel beautiful, she would feel confident and like she belonged at school. Then she could wear all the cute clothes other girls wore. Maybe she would even have friends. Maybe then, Ava would like who she was.

Hours later, Ava stumbled through her front door. Her bones and muscles ached from her intense workout. Each joint seemed to creak as she moved. She felt even mote exhausted after the long bus ride home. Since her mother was still visiting Martin at the hospital Ava had to find other means of transportation for getting home. The bus had seemed like a good choice until she remember the route it took to get out to her house was extremely bumpy.

"Ava! Ava!" Damian shouted, running across the street toward her front porch. He came to halt in front of her. And gave her his famous grin.

"Oh hey Damian."

"Hey. Uh, Ava. Can I ask you a question?" he asked looking down at his feet.

Ava's heart thumped in her chest. Millions of questions flooded through her mind. What would Damian want to ask her? Maybe he was going to ask her out to dinner, or to help him with his homework or maybe he wanted her to come over. Ava nodded excitedly with anticipation.

He ran his hand through his hair briefly then rubbed the back oh his neck. "I can't say I've ever seen you wear sweatpants... What's the occasion?"

Ava blinked. Then looked down at her gym attire. Never had she felt so embarrassed! Her cheeks flamed red. "I, uh was at the gym.. Uh, you know, working out."

Damian didn't seem convinced. "Why?"

Ava gave him a quick glare. "Do I have to tell you?"

Damian gave her a sympathetic look and wrinkled his nose. Darn he looked cute when he did that. He rubbed the back of his neck again and stared off into the distance behind Ava. "Yea you do, sorry, but I really want to know. It just doesn't seem like you."

Ava chewed on her bottom lip. Her cheeks still felt crimson. She wished there was a way for her to get out of this sticky mess. She glanced up at the sky, almost like she was looking for the answer there.

" I went to the gym. Well I went because I want to change the way I look." Ava gulped and fought back the threatening tears in her eyes.

Damian stared at her with a sadness in his eyes. He reached towards her and took her hand in his. Lacing his fingers between hers. "Why would you want to do that?"

The tears boiled over and ran like rivers down Ava's rosy cheeks. " I get it, okay? I'm fat! I'm overweight! I'm not pretty or beautiful. I'm not stunning or anything special! I want to change the way I look because I'm ugly! I'm a fat pig! And nobody wants to love that..."

Shock washed over Damian's face. His jaw hung slack. He squeezed Ava's hand. "Ava, Ava look at me.. Please?"

He cupped her chin with his free hand and brought her eyes up to meet his. "Ava, I don't know why you said those things about yourself. You are beautiful, you have a beautiful heart of gold. And a beautiful smile. Your eyes literally sparkle. Your not fat, Ava. Your perfect the way you are. Your beautiful inside and out. I think your very stunning. You stunned me when I first saw you. Your very special to me Ava. I would want to love you.."

And with that. Damian leaned in and brushed his lips against Ava's. Then the kiss deepened and took a more passionate route. Damian's lips pressed firmly against hers and his arms wrapped around her waist.

After what seemed like an eternity he broke off the kiss. And stared into Ava's eyes. "Ava I'm mad about you. I've been waiting to tell you that for a little while now.. I hope you feel the same about me."

Ava stared at Damian, her heart swelled in her chest. Never had she felt this amazing and wanted in her entire life. She gave Damian and peck on the lips and then smiled. "Of course I do."

"Then don't change. Stay the way you are. Stay beautiful and perfect," he gave her his signature grin and grabbed her hand.

"What if it's a change for the better?"

He smiled, "Ava, you can't get any better."


:) Until next time fans!! Hope you enjoyed!! Sorry it's kinda short.

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