I'm Your Daughter

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Hello readers,

Well at least hello to those of you still reading. I have to apologize I know it has been a very long time since I have uploaded. And I am truly sorry. Here is the update you've all been waiting for. Bear with me as it's been awhile for me too and I'm working to remember my characters.

I love you all,

Broken_girl xoxo


Ava laid in bed that night. Her eyes glazed over with the thoughts of Damian in her head. But creeping out from the back of her subconscious was her fathers condition. Was he even her real father? Who was this man on the birth certificate?

The more she thought she realized that the man in the hospital couldn't be her father. If he was, then his name would be on the birth certificate. But it wasn't... Why would her mother keep such a scandalous secret from her? Didn't Ava deserve to know?

A tear fell down Ava's cheek. She didn't want to face the truth. Where was her childhood innocence that was supposed to protect her from all the heartache? It always happened in the movies, why couldn't it happen just this once?

The next morning Ava rolled out of bed. She stared into her closet for a few moments and pulled out a simple cardigan, soft pink t shirt and jeans. Easily she slid them on. Her hair was messy but it behaved and let her tame it without giving her hair brush a new wig to wear.

The car ride to the hospital was quiet, Julianne said nothing. Her peach lips were pursed together the whole time. She said nothing until they got outside of Martin's room.

"Ava, I don't think I can do this today." Julianne's lips formed back into the position they had been, as she drove. Her face seemed frozen in a state of emotions. Her eyes were puffy and a little red, Ava had heard her crying in her room last night.

"What do you mean, you can't do this?" Ava demanded, her voice sounding rough.

Julianne touched her watch, glancing at it, her eye brows narrowed. "I have a meeting in an hour."

"With who? I thought you took time off work?" Ava's voice grew harsh and unsympathetic. "What aren't you telling me?"

"Oh honestly Ava! Is that how you're going to treat me? This attitude and disrespect is not becoming. I am your mother, you answer to me. I do not answer to you." Julianne's hands were on her hips, her words hot with anger.

"You're my mother?!" Ava hissed.

Julianne stepped back. "Ava what's wrong with you?"

Rage heated Ava's skin. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. "You really have to ask? You thought I'd never find out, didn't you? You thought I'd be blissfully naive. Well mom the truth is I know. I know who's name is written on my birth certificate. And it's not the man I call dad. Who is this man? Huh? I need answers mom! You kept this from me, and then feel you need to ask me what my problem is?"

Nurses from the nursing station in the center of the connecting hallways, looked up from their paperwork and monitors. People sitting in the waiting chairs looked alarmed.

"Ava... You're making a scene."

The fire growing in Ava's stomach grew hotter. The blush in her mother's cheeks were the last straw. How dare she bet give Ava answers but instead tell her she's making a scene? "Tell me mom, tell me the truth!"

Julianne stepped back again, as though she was afraid of Ava's angered words. Her hands clasped together, and she began to ring them. Ava had her. The secret was out bsd the scandal was beginning.

"I don't have time for this, I didn't go this right now. I can't see him. It's too much... I'll be back at five to pick you up. Have- have fun..." Julianne's face grew, pinched like she had bit into a lemon, her eyes gave way and tears cascaded down her face.

Ava was sitting in the chair next to Martins bed. She held the book Charlotte's Web in her hand. Kelly had come by to visit earlier and suggested she read to him. But Martin's face had not changed since she had started the book. His mouth was still slack, his eyes still strange and distant. Lost.

As she read the tears had started. Some were for this man who she had called daddy all these years. She couldn't bear to see him like this. It was almost like he wasn't even there anymore. Other tears were for her mother, who she had treated do cruelly earlier. Julianne hadn't really deserved it, had she? Maybe she was doing what any mother would do, try and make things seem like it's all happy and perfect.

Suddenly Martins eyes moved from the wall to her. He let out a moan. Ava grabbed the small towel hanging on the railing of the bed and wiped his chin.

She pushed her tears away with the back of her wrist. "There, isn't that better? Right daddy? It's better, isn't it? Do you remember me? At all? Do you know who I am?"

Martin's expression didn't change. But his eyes stayed on Ava.

"I'm your daughter."

He blinked.

"Well, at least I think I am. Well... I want to be. I went through all my sixteen years of my life thinking you were my dad. Why- why should one little piece of paper be able... To change that?"

Martin moaned. More saliva slid out from his mouth. Ava blotted it away. "How can mom not do this? I don't mind sitting here with you. I'm pretty sure you liked being read to earlier; do you remember reading to me at all? You read me lots of books, it was great. You always used different voices too. I remember laughing..."

Her voice grew weak. The tears welled up again. The lump in her throat grew until she almost choked.

"Things are going to be okay."

Ava jumped and spun to the door. Damian leaned against the door frame. His arms were crossed over his chest, his eyes were dark, but concerned. "What are you doing here?"

Damian smiled his special smile at her. His voice was low but, calming. "I thought today would be a tough day for you. I drove over here to see you. I also couldn't really get you off my mind."

Ava's heart leaped. Gosh he was perfect. He smiled again and her stomach flip flopped. Suddenly he was at her side, his arms slid around her and hips lips pressed against her forehead. "Everything's going to be okay."

"I have a hard time believing that." Ava said, her eyes dropping to the floor. Damian touched her cheek.

"Why don't you keep talking to him? I think he likes it, his eyes light up a little when you do." Damian encouraged her, giving her a smile and another kiss on the forehead.

Ava nodded, she was going to be here for her father. He needed somebody and it didn't look like her mother was going to be the one to do it. "Daddy, I love you."


Well there we have it folks. An update. Thank you guys so much for your comments I love reading them, they make me smile. I hope you enjoy this update. I know it helps out with the giant cliffhanger. Love you guys as always. Happy reading! :)

Yours truly,



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