Family dinners

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Hey guys sorry I've never made a chapter in such a long time, I'm not gonna complain about school and stuff cause when I read other books it gets me pissed off and somewhat worried. So last time Amy trusted Shadow and Rouge trusted Knuckles, this chapter is called 'Family Dinner With Shadow' so Enjoy!

(Amy's P.O.V) 


Finally the weekend took so long to come!

I looked out the window, it was dark but still my clock said 6:00 am. I know I shouldn't be up this early but I got used to my school quick.

I than took my shower, after putting lotion my skin I put on a dark turquoise simple vintage dress with a wooden necklace and wooden bracelet, I also wore a skinny brown leather belt. If I was at school I would have worn brown leather boots but I guess I'm staying home. But this does look like the perfect fall outfit.

My parents did say there's a surprise so there probably going to take me out for dinner, (I hope) so that's why I decided to dress up.

Oh yeah by the way my hair grew a bit, it now stops at my shoulders.

"Ugh!" I growled noticing my stupidity.

I always do this, I have to brush my teeth than shower now I'm gonna get my clothes dirty I know it seems silly because I am to old to get my clothes dirty but I guess I always do that.

The rest of the day was pretty dull until the doorbell rang.

My mom answered the door.

"Hello please come in!" She greeted the family.

But guess who's in that family.

"Shadow?!" I had the urge to say right in front if him.

But still why the hell is he here! My dad hates him! And apparently he still does. I looked at my dad how is looked grumpy sitting at the dinner table eyeing Shadow.

"Mom there's a bug in the kitchen." I lied.

"Shadow sweetie lock the door I'll be right back!" My mom cried as she scurried off to the kitchen.

I stopped her by going in front of her. I put my hands on her shoulders.

"Why is Shadow here?" I asked as polite as I could.

"You promised us that when you get a boyfriend you'll invite him over," My mom began as she folded her arms under her chest and turned away. "And you didn't do it, so I did it. So I invited his family."

"Mom can I tell you something.'' I sighed.

''Yes you may.'' She replied.

''Shadow. Is. Not. My. Boyfriend!" I cried.

"Oh, well it's too late now." She said feeling a little guilty.

I mumbled a few words than went to check to see if the door is really locked. It is.

I went to take my seat ignoring Shadow. I know I'm cool with him now (You have no idea how embarrassing it would be if I still hated him) but still I don't need my parents to believe I have a boyfriend just because he came to my house and told Cream 'Where babies come from'

Everyone else sat down, for dinner we ate beef with potato salad, we had Italian garden salad with a glass filled with ruby red cranberry juice.

"I better get dessert out of this." I muttered under my breath. Shadow chuckled.

We than began to pray than started to eat our food.

"Shadow may you please pass the pepper?" I asked.

"Sure." He said as he grabbed the pepper 'accidentally' tossed the pepper to land and make a mess of my dress and he also spilled his juice on me (Not all his juice so it probably means he's going to do more).

"Oh I'm sorry Amy I didn't mean to do it." Shadow apologized with a smirk.

And immature Shadow is back, he's not being a bad boy, it's just his behaviour. Either that or he's just being a normal boy.

I glanced at Shadow, he's still grinning at me.

"It's okay Shadow you can just go and get some paper towels to clean it up." I said with a cheerful smile.

"Oh, I don't know where those are." Shadow said with a small grin.

"Their in the bathroom." I replied.

"... I don't know where that is either." Shadow said.

I stood up walking away mumbling a few curses under my breath. If Shadow wants to play that way. So be it.

After cleaning up Shadow's mess I got an excuse to get him in trouble.

"Shadow no elbows on the table." I said looking at Shadow with a smirk.

Shadow sent me a death glare, I just stuck my tongue out at him.

"Finally!" Shadow's mother cried out.

"We always tell Shadow to keep his elbows off the table but he never listens, it's a delight to see his girlfriend try to teach him!" Shadow's mother shouted with joy.

"Oh why thank you, Mrs. Widow I will continue to try to teach Shadow his manners." I said with a grateful smile ignoring the part where she said 'girlfriend'.

Shadow glared at me again.

(15 mins later)

Throughout this dinner shadow and I have been acting like little kids.

Dinners over and dessert if too (yay).

Before Shadow left we talked.

"You know your mom believes I'm your girlfriend?" I asked him.

"Yeah so does your mom." Shadow responded as he rolled his eyes.

"Daniel Widow it's time to leave." Shadow's dad said.

Oh yeah my dad and Shadow's dad got along pretty well so my dad hates Shadow less now.

"Who's Daniel?" I giggled.

"Me." Shadow said.


"Your real name is Daniel?" I asked.

"Well of course what type of parents name their son Shadow?" Shadow said as if everyone knew that.

"Shadow is my nickname. Than my parents found out my friends call me that so they started calling me that too, than it became a habit." Shadow said.

"Oh." I said.

"You better not tell anyone that." Shadow said.

"Or else what?" I asked.

"Or you'll have to be my girlfriend." Shadow said with a smirk stepping closer.

"I'm okay with that." I said stepping closer.

"So would you like to be my girlfriend?" Shadow asked stepping a little closer.

"Yup." I said taking another baby step.

We were now looking into each others eyes.

I smiled.

"You better get going now Daniel Widow!" I said with a smirk.

Shadow walked to the door.

"Seriously don't tell anyone though." Shadow said.

"Okay I promise Daniel." I said.

Shadow rolled his eyes and walked out the door.

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