So Close

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Hey guys last time Shadow and Amy skipped school it was a little dramatic but yeah you'll have to get used to the fact that there is drama in this book. So Enjoy!

(Amy's P.O.V.)

Today is the day. We're gonna re-unite Knuckles and Rouge together! I'm so glad.

But all day yesterday when Shadow and I explained the plan I always felt followed. I know it's silly and it is each time I turn around no one's there, I haven't seen any horror movies lately, maybe I just had a bad dream last night. Actually I did.

Anyways I don't care if Rouge and Knuckles are not a couple (Because they might actually get together anyways) as long as they accept each other and apologize like they always do. Rouge is still not better yet she's still acting strange and she's always looks like she's gonna both wanna punch me or cry when she see's me and Shadow together.

I saw Knuckles coming over to Rouge, I quickly ran away and  hid in a bush with Shadow.

I saw them talk a bit than Knuckles showed Rouge something on his ipod.

Rouge's face quickly changed, her eyes are now wide opened with her mouth shaped as a perfect 'O'. Rouge did not look impressed.

Rouge than took the Ipod and threw it on the floor, Rouge tried stepping on it but Knuckles pushed her away, grabbed the phone and ran away.

So close... we were so close...

I walked over to Rouge.

"What happened?" I asked with a tune of annoyance in my voice demanding for an answer.

"They made a video on me on 'Youtube' and the video's they made had so many views! It was horrible!" Rouge cried.

"So they made fun of you on 'Youtube'?" I asked.

"Yeah, I don't really know how many views they got but he said it's popular." Rouge stated.

Shadow came out his bush but not too close.

"Don't believe what he says." I said pulling out my phone.

But than Scrouge walked over to Shadow, I than stopped to see what was going on.

"Oh yeah, and Shadow thanks for the idea." Scrouge said before walking away.

"What?" Shadow said confused.

But he's probably just saying that because he knows I'm watching.

I walked up to him and punched him. Normally I'd slap him but he just hurt my friend again. I trusted him and he just lost his trust. I was a fool to trust him like that.

"So you were apart of this?!" I questioned him.

"Amy I don't know what he's talking ab--" I cut interrupted him before he could finish.

"I trusted you Shadow! You hurt my friend and now she feels like she has to change her name and country because you posted a stupid video that trashed her life!" I yelled at him trying my best to watch my language.

"Don't you have better stuff to do than hurting me and my friends?! I bet you don't even care what I'm saying now!" I yelled while tears were now rushing down my face.


"I was a fool to ever trust you." I muttered before I turned around.

I than turned around getting walking away a bit.

"But Ames--"

"Don't you dare call me that! EVER!" I cried before turning back around.

"Dickhead." I muttered under my breath while walking away.

Thank God it's still lunch time I'm going out for lunch today.

"Um Amy?" A innocent voice called me.

I turned around to see Rouge.

"Can I come with you? Wherever your going?" She asked.

"Sure Rouge." I said with a smile.

I hoped in the car, Rouge sat in the passenger seat while I was of course behind the wheel.

I turned on the radio station which was Kiss 92.5 than Rouge quickly noticed her favourite song was on and turned up the volume.

"So where are we going?" Rouge asked.

"I'm gonna go to some Poutine place." I replied.

"Cool I love Poutine." Rouge said.

(At the Poutine place)

As I was eating my poutine I was watching the video where Knuckles and everyone was trashing her, I was shaking my head.

I checked out the comments, there was none. Good.

I looked at the views, only six.

No subscribes.

"There's only six people who actually watched this. He lied." I simply stated.

Rouge pulled out her Ipod.

I looked to see what she's doing, she was typing in the comments.

It said:

This video sucks! I hate you! Your at least lucky you had a girlfriend because after I saw this video I know you would never ever get someone that's better than her and I hope you end up with some dirty slut who does nothing but wanna get wasted all day and I hope she just wants is just dating you so she could take all your money than leave you broke on the streets for your LIFE!!!

I smiled and replied to Rouge's comment:

Yes! More! Say more! And God bless the woman who there making fun of poor girl she's probably crying her head off now.

I took a bit of my poutine.

It's a good thing our User names are not our real names.

Someone replied to Rouge's comment.

Troll face101: lol

Not too long after someone replied to mine.

Cherrytreez: Yeah God bless her. That's so sad! So what your angry at her for yelling at you because you don't get your way? Have you ever heard of periods? Why don't you start being a gentlemen and by her pads if you want her to stop!

I soon reconized the next person who commented...


FlowerBloom=): I can't believe you actually waste your time making these video's! I hope your didn't quit your day job because you need it more than talking trash about your ex girlfriend who by the way is way out of your league!

Rouge and I laughed at that one. Rouge also blushed a little.

I took a sip of my sprite as Rouge took a sip of her ice tea.

Now it's Blaze's turn:

Innocent one: This video is an embarresment to all people in love! Your obviously a selfish jerk who doesn't know how to treat his girlfriend right.

After that a lot of comments came in.

"So other than all those words you said why are you so angry at Shadow?" Rouge asked.

"Well he's probably just being nice to me because he wants to have sex with me some other day." I said.

"Shadow wouldn't do that." Rouge said.


"Look Amy, normally I wouldn't say this but. Talk to him when your ready please." Rouge said.

I nodded and continued eating.

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