The Race

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Scarlet showed me the way to the locker rooms and we changed into our p.e. clothes. I had brought (favorite type of shorts) and a (favorite color) tank top. Scarlet had a maroon tank top and black shorts.

We met up with Aphmau, Julie, and Katelyn in the gym. Just then our coach walked in.

   "Everyone get in a line," our coach said. We all got in line. "Okay students. Today we will be doing a rely race," Coach announced. All the boys cheered while the girls booed.

   "Dang it!" Aphmau said.

   "What?" I asked her.

   "The boys always win when we do races. I mean not all the time but almost always," Aphmau said with a frown.

   "Well then we'll just have to run as fast as we can and try to beat them," I said with a smirk.

   "YEAH!" Scarlet said. "I almost beat them last time! We can beat them I know it!"

   "I think we got a plan then?" asked Julie and we all nodded with grins.

   "Well hello there beautiful," I heard a boy say when we were stretching. When I looked up I saw a guy with brown hair looking at me.

     "Hi," I said continuing with my stretches.

    "Come on Laurence. Leave the poor girls alone," I heard a deeper male voice say. When I looked back I saw a blonde guy and this Laurence guy walking away.

   "Who are they?" I asked the girls when they couldn't hear us anymore.

   "Oh that was Laurence. He's really nice though and the blonde guy was Garroth," Aphmau said.

    "Okay," I said. After we finished stretching coach took us to the felid. We went over to the track. It was boys against girls and there were two lines. We had to pick four girls to do most of the running. Aphmau, Scarlet, Katelyn, and I were chosen.

    I saw that Laurence, Garroth, my brother, and a guy with dark brown hair were chosen.

   Aphmau was going against Laurence. Katelyn was going against my brother. Scarlet was going against the guy with dark brown hair. And I was going against Garroth.

"Ready... Set... GO!" Coach blew the whistle.

Aphmau and Laurence ran as fast as they could but Laurence pulled ahead at the last moment. Katelyn and my brother then started to run. Katelyn had a disadvantage from Aphmau but she managed to be neck and neck with my brother. Scarlet and the guy with dark brown hair started running. Scarlet was in the lead but then the guy caught up and they were tied. As soon as Scarlet reached me I ran fast but not too much. I was trying to conserve my energy for the last minute. Garroth was beating me but not by a lot. By the final second I pushed ahead and beat him.

   I heard all the girls cheer Katelyn, Scarlet, Aphmau, and my name. I was so happy we were able to win.

   I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. I saw it was Garroth. "Hello. Good job in the race," he said.

   "Thanks! I almost thought you were going to beat me," I said with a smirk.

   "Heh. Well what's your name?" Garroth asked.

   "(Your name)," I replied.

   "Well hello (your name), I'm Garroth," he said.

   "Yea I know. The girls told me when you were taking Laurence away," I explained.

   "Right. When you get to know Laurence he's actually really nice," Garroth said.

   "Hey Garroth!" Aphmau said joining us.

   "Hey Aphmau," Garroth said.

   Soon Laurence and the rest of the girls joined us and we started to talk. Laurence was actually pretty nice and not just a flirt.

   "Hey (your name) what class do you have next?" Laurence asked.

   "Combat," I replied. Once I said that everyone went quiet and just looked at me like I was an alien. "Why are you looking at me like that? It's creeping me out,"

"Sorry it's just that your the only other girl to get that class. Not even Katelyn and Scarlet got that class," Aphmau said.

"Really? Who's the other girl?" I asked surprised.

"Isabelle. But she likes to be called Izzy," Garroth said.

"How do you know that? She almost never talks to anyone," Katelyn asked.

"She talks to Garroth and me. She's just a little antisocial but when you hang out with her she's really cool," Laurence said.

"Ok. What do you guys have next?" I asked the rest of the group.

"Laurence and me have combat with you," Garroth said

"Us girls have dance," Aphmau said.

The bell rang. "Well then see you guys later," I said walking with Garroth and Laurence to combat class which was in the other gym. They had two gyms because of combat. There where punching bags and other things to make you good at fighting. Just then our teacher walked in.

"Hello class. I'm happy to announce a new student that has joined us. (Your name) I'm Coach Valdez," the teacher said. "Well students get into groups of four!"
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I wonder who will be in your group? Clary Out!⚔⚔⚔

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